Insect like symbol at the top of my profile - page 2


It's like this . . .  and it means you have a  reply to a Service Ticket.



It's like this . . .  and it means you have a  reply to a Service Ticket.


Woohh. A reply from beloved Service Desk. Take care to your screenshot. ;-)
Woohh. A reply from beloved Service Desk. Take care to your screenshot. ;-)
Not only a reply but a reply about MT4 and not only that . . .  it was the same day as the request was made . . .  and apparently the issue has now been fixed  :-)

yeah, there are other strange images i have noticed too. Take a look at this one, what does it mean?



yeah, there are other strange images i have noticed too. Take a look at this one, what does it mean?


I could understand it if the image were a negative . . .   that would mean you don't have a prayer of getting a reply ;-)