How to launch a macro file from an EA


Hello guys,

I recorded a macro file to send me a message via Skype when a signal occurs. But I have a problem with launching the macro file from my EA.

How about this:

if(LongSignal) FileOpen("",FILE_READ);

Is this the right way to launch the file? Please help. Thanks.


Use WinAPI

#import  "shell32.dll"                                                         
  int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd,string Operation,string File,string Parameters,string Directory,int ShowCmd); 

Ok, I added these lines to the header. Now I am trying to execute the function.

if(LongSignal) int alert=ShellExecuteA(NULL,"open","",NULL,NULL,"SW_SHOW");

It is still not working.

Do I have to save a copy of shell32.dll in the experts/files folder?
