I have tested many Expet Advisors from this site but none of them seem to work with the Meta Trader 4 live site.

Is there anybody out there who's got an EA that really works consistently with all pairs all the time regardless of the Forex Market swings?

It would be nice to know, if there is an EA like that.

Other than that, this site is an excellent source of exchanging fruitfull ideas. Thank you very much!



> anybody out there who's got an EA that really works consistently with all pairs all the time regardless of the Forex Market swings

INHO - no!

Truly successful EA's seem to be only for a single pair on a single timeframe.
There are many types of 'swing' so catching all types that are statistically valid just on one pair is quite a challenge!

To catch all movement, you need to be on a short time-frame, to catch significant movement, you need to be on a longer timeframe.

So... what does consistent mean? All EA's go through good & bad periods, as would any manual system.

Which is why ruthless money management should be factored in to minimise drawdown...

Also to factor in, is the approach the trader wishes to take - conservative or ambitious?
And how much margin he has to play with?
Some commercial EA's require staggering amounts - because they 'dont close a losing trade'...

I was quoted as needing margin of 40,000 to run one such EA in a mini (0.1) account!!!

Any & all EA's will have losses & losing periods - get used to the idea...

But they can beat manual trading for Profit Factor & less stress!


For a conservative EA needing margin of 1500 in a mini, see my free trial period EA at

Read all the documentation in the accompanying text files in the ZIP with the EA!

Optimize it on each different account you want to use it on, back test it & perhaps use it on live account?
Works on live & demo accounts until the end of November.

Good Luck
