array data


Hi all

maybe someone can help me. i have a simple array just 7 by 4 which when opened has data in it. When I arrayinitialize(levels,0) to 0 it still has data in the elements.

I have it as a double array even though I only want to use integers.



ArrayIntialize() is probably for one-dimension array.

Write you own code to zero all the elements if you need it.


Hi all

maybe someone can help me. i have a simple array just 7 by 4 which when opened has data in it. When I arrayinitialize(levels,0) to 0 it still has data in the elements.

I have it as a double array even though I only want to use integers.


sorry guys I have found the problem it was my fault

What was your problem? I am having trouble using ArrayInitialize also.