How can I restrict Multi Logins with the same ID


HellO Everyone

How can I restrict or block My clients from login in with the same ID(Login) for multiple times. In simple terms I just want to restrict that the software pops up a message window when someone tries to login with the same ID on other desktop.


Vikesh Parmar



AFAIK this is impossible. You gotta set up sth. which is visible for the other sessions. Any solutions with EAs or Scripts won't work since one session does not know about the other. Global variables are unvisible for others sessions, too...So a normal solution will not be possible.

To popup a messageBox you need to have some EA or script attached to a chart. If you have this, some dirty or at least inconvenient solution is possible but not recommendable.

tradeigel wrote >>


AFAIK this is impossible. You gotta set up sth. which is visible for the other sessions. Any solutions with EAs or Scripts won't work since one session does not know about the other. Global variables are unvisible for others sessions, too...So a normal solution will not be possible.

To popup a messageBox you need to have some EA or script attached to a chart. If you have this, some dirty or at least inconvenient solution is possible but not recommendable.


Thanks for your quick response. But theres still some confusion, I didn't get what you mean. Can you please explain it in a detailed manner.. Thanks in advance.

