Help ??? Forex Newbie?


Hello Everyone:

I have just signed up with Interbank and am anxious to what some of you can point me to in direction to making this profitable to me.

Anyone that has a system that is working continuously, please send me some information and possibly what you are making.

I am looking for a system that will monitor the trading itself.

I have also recently purchased the "Forex Raptor" but seem to be having some problem getting it up and going.

Any help and direction will greatly be appreciated and I hope that "Forex Trading" can help my family get out of this financial strain as my wife has many ailments and is working because otherwise we would lose our home.

I look forward to any help and guidance from everyone.

P.S. I am a quick learner when explained in detail.

Thank you so much,


5162459 wrote >>

Hello Everyone:

I have just signed up with Interbank and am anxious to what some of you can point me to in direction to making this profitable to me.

Anyone that has a system that is working continuously, please send me some information and possibly what you are making.

I am looking for a system that will monitor the trading itself.

I have also recently purchased the "Forex Raptor" but seem to be having some problem getting it up and going.

Any help and direction will greatly be appreciated and I hope that "Forex Trading" can help my family get out of this financial strain as my wife has many ailments and is working because otherwise we would lose our home.

I look forward to any help and guidance from everyone.

P.S. I am a quick learner when explained in detail.

Thank you so much,



Hello David and Welcome to the Forex community

If you are new to trading I would suggest a couple of things. (1) Learn about trading BEFORE you invest a lot of money into a marketed system. It is very easy to get drawn into the claims of people who are marketing forex trading methods and very seductive to think of "all the money" that can be gained. While trading the forex market can be extemely profitable, it can also bring you to the brink of disaster and push you over if you are unprepared. I encourage you to seek out areas of the internet that offer to instruct you NOT take your money. A good place to start is: (2) Try NOT to be in a hurry to reverse all your financial short comings with trading. This is "the path to the dark side" and will only break your heart. Consider this an opportunity to recieve an education comiserate to a doctural study. You wouldn't expect a 1st year medical student to perform surgury, likewise don't expect to become wealthy in a few months or even years trading. Take your time, learn, practice, grow. You WILL be successful but it will NOT happen overnight and will require a great deal of patience and persistance.

I offer you my assistance, such as it is, as someone who has been at this for several years and invite you to email me at: I would be happy to get you pointed in, what I consider, the right direction, and will ask NO FEE of you. There are many ways to trade the foreign exchange, and you must find "David's way" to view and relate to the market. Once you have "defined" yourself in this arean you will then be able to look at marketed trading systems and determine more closely which ones have the best chance of working for you.

Good luck David, and welcome once again

G.S. Pajon


Bay View Trading Corporation


Hi David,

I'm new at this also. I too purchased Forex Raptor and could not get it to work properly on any of my 3 computers (XP, XP, Vista) could not get a refund either. Tried a different program called " Forex Autopilot" I'm a lot happier with that. It's working great it only trades EUR/USD. Now if only I could keep my fingers off the keyboard. I love manual trading USD/JPY and make money on that one a lot. Seems to have pretty patterns that I find easy.

My MT4 program shows 22 pairs. I understand their are actually over 130 pairs. I keep getting messages about USD/"PESO" and messages about South America. However I cannot even look at the charts..

I have like 4 practice programs and then a couple of real accounts. I leave my BOTS alone and let them do their thing. I play with my practice accounts. I really want to learn how to program my own bots. I think they call them EA here.

I don't have a fancy title. Just a lady in Nevada playing around.
