What kind of DLLs can be imported into the MQL?


I tested the COM dlls and the ACTIVEX DLLs,failed!

and i am now testing dlls made by the VC++?

can sombody tell what kind of DLLs can be imported into the MQL?

which IDE shoud i use to make this dlls?



i have read the samples,they imported such as the "user32.dll" ...

i do it followed the introduction and succeeded! but when i used my own dlls written in VB6 or vb.net2005 or c#,all of them ware failed!

so i am tring to make dll in VC++


DLL's and the components within all have unique I/F, yes?

Surely, am sure any DLL will work if obeys generic Windows rules as to DLL formation, contents etc and calling conventions.

Remember that MQL not support data types of other languages, yes?

Need to exactly know what DLL item I/F is - no exceptions.

Then you can code MQL to use the types in it's syntax to map onto/satisfy DLL I/F

btw, there are many resources on this site!

for sure you find success by using the Search box seen top right of site web pages.

for instance: search on word "dll"



thanks ukt!

i am searching "dll"