Question on Scripts



I had written a scripts to run at a fix interval (say execute every 5sec), and I sometimes I may need to change the external parameter for the script. It seems to me that it is not allowed to recall the window for the external parameters after the script is launched. For EA, we can press F7 to call out the parameter input window to change or check the setting. Is there a way to do the same thing for script other than reload it.

I have this line in my code " #property show_inputs", but the input window only pop up once.




once at script startup is it...

is this script using a forever loop? and then sleeping for xx seconds, ...

if so,

you could condsider using Client Terminal Global Variables. Have you ever used F3 in Terminal? do it and see what I'm on about - use Terminal's help if need more info (look under Tools in main contents menu)

you could make script 'aware' of a fixed global variable name and it could poll it [as required] for change of value, yes?

Have looksee at editors help docs, Toplevel menu > Global variables


One way:

Put a label on the chart, have the script read it, change the label to change the "input" to the script


One way:

Put a label on the chart, have the script read it, change the label to change the "input" to the script
