Exposure tab error ?


It seems I have found an error on exposure tab, but before posting a request to Service Desk, I would like to ask your opinion because I' am not an specialist of exposure stuff.

First, start situation,  I have an open positions on EURAUD :

EURAUD position

which give following accurate exposure :

Exposure tab for EURAUD position

Then I open an EURJPY buy :

EURJPY position

Which which give an error on JPY exposure. EUR exposure is zero, that is ok, but why not have a negative exposure on JPY of -1.20047M (approx.) ?

Exposure tab with error on JPY

Can anyone confirm this ?

USDJPY available in your Market Watch?
USDJPY available in your Market Watch?
Yes. This is just an example, I have similar result with other symbols. All of which are available (and crosses) in market watch.
USDJPY available in your Market Watch?
Since that Metaquotes answered here, is it necessary to open a query to the service desk?

We are working on it. Thank you.