firing events on same bar - is it possible.


Can MetaTrader allow stop and reverse orders that can fire off many times on the SAME 1 minute bar ?

i.e. either when filled and not filled?

ie. on each tick or 'almost tick' some criteria is tested and then any unfilled order and stops are altered or cancelled and replaced - OR any fill orders is stopper and reversed.

If not, ie. say because you are on a 1 min chart the events only fire on the open and close of the 1 min bar - then can you pass signals from a 5 min chart to a 1 min chart - so there are 5 times you get to refer to the open and close firing events.

I would have thought you can make changes within the 1 min peoriod because there is a tick chart shown when you go to place and order.

Can you confirm it is possible, please?


Yes it is. Try reading this: