bug??? ObjectGetValueByShift - returns weird value in tester

Hi everybody!

I'm experiencing the problem with testing of expert where is invoked
ObjectGetValueByShift("res", 0)
function, but unfortunately the value it returns is very shifted (like 50 bars back) on M1 period.
I've tried to use the function in real mode and it works fine, but in the testing mode it is very weird.

Help to resolve it, please - i need this backtesting working correctly!!!


first i create the trendline with some future end date:
ObjectCreate("res", OBJ_TREND, 0, channelDateResStart, channelPriceResStart, channelDateResEnd, channelPriceResEnd);


I too had the same problem and I totally understand what you meant. I will vote this as a BUG. The trend line value seems fine on the charts. But, when it comes to the tester, the values were totally off track...

I'm running on Build 220.

Help is seriously needed. Thank you.