Strategytester - visual values


Hello, if you let a EA Script run in visualmode, which functions did you use for live visualisation values from Variables.

I have test that its possible with Comment(), but Alert() or Print() are not showed directly, just in the log files.

How do you make it selfs, did you use object for that :-) ?


You can add indicators to the Visual test, or apply a template with settings that you like.

Drawing from within the tested EA is somehow suppressed.

I created a Dummy EA with no functionality in it and run it just to test indicators. Start the visual
test, pause or slow it down if you like, add indicators or templates to the visual chart, and
it plays back.


H, if its so I Think I dont understand the technik from EA god enough till now. I must test more.

How looks your EA dummy and how looks the input from indicators then in it, maybe if you want you can show us?


You misunderstand, I think.

Create a new EA, Dummy is a good name.

Don't add anything to it, just create it then compile it. It is basically empty.

Use the strategy tester visual mode, and choose the Dummy EA to test.


Start the visual test. You can slow it down or pause it...

Add indicators to the visual chart just like any other chart, or drop a template on it with some indicators/settings that you like.

... and continue the test.

Visual mode now plays back the empty EA and displays the indicators you attached to the chart.

Replace the Dummy EA with one you want to test after you get the idea.


The point is, if you want to SEE something happen, ADD it to the visual test.