
Hi all,

It is possible to use a rectangle fix at the window likewise a label? In other words, it is possible to use a rectangle with OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE ?

Thanks a lot,,,


Thanks phy,

I've had an idea that might have the same results. I've checked out that the arrow symbol 110 is a kind of rectangle. So, I though if I could use this symbol as a label, I could give a big size to it and make it like a such rectangle I am looking for.

Do you know if I can use the arrows symbol as a label? And if I can, how?

Thanks a lot,,,

You can specify font for label

Ok... and how I do it?

I know I want to use the "arrow code 110" (which is a rectangle) as a label, but how I use that code in the label setting?
ObjectSetText  (ObjName,"arrow code 110",50, "Arial Bold", ThisColor);
What should put in the place of "arrow code 110"?

Thanks a lot,,,

Specify the font you want to use and set the hexadecimal ASCII-code of the character you want to use from that font in the label's text

Yes... thank you,

but life is not that easy still...:) Worst, it should not be that complicated... :)

I was just trying to use a rectangle as a label in the screen to help visualizing some information.

I found something similar to a rectangle ("arrow code 110"), and now I was wondering how to use (if I can) that arrow code as a label.

If someone could accomplish this task, I would definitely appreciate.

Thanks a lot,,,

ObjectSetText (ObjName,"\x6E",50, "WingDings", ThisColor);


ObjectSetText (ObjName,"\x6E",50, "WingDings", ThisColor);

Thank you so much,

worked fine. Thank you!!!!
I would like to thank phy again,

And now just to enrich this topic, after a little research, I came with a perfect rectangle I was looking for:
   ObjName=FindThis+"Rectangle 1";
   ObjectCreate   (ObjName, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);  
   ObjectSetText  (ObjName,"g",80, "Webdings", Black); //
   ObjectSet      (ObjName, OBJPROP_CORNER,0);
   ObjectSet      (ObjName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,80);
   ObjectSet      (ObjName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,0);
Thank you all,,,