Assigning a character code to a label

As mentioned in the review of Objects linked to time and price, the OBJ_ARROW label allows you to display an arbitrary Wingdings font symbol on the chart (the full list of available symbols is provided in the MQL5 documentation). The character code for the object itself is determined by the integer property OBJPROP_ARROWCODE.

Script allows to demonstrate all characters of the ObjectWingdings.mq5 font. In it, we create labels with different characters in a loop, placing them one by one on the bar.

#include "ObjectPrefix.mqh"
void OnStart()
   for(int i = 33i < 256; ++i// character codes
      const int b = i - 33// bar number
      const string name = ObjNamePrefix + "Wingdings-"
         + (string)iTime(_Symbol_Periodb);
         0iTime(_Symbol_Periodb), iOpen(_Symbol_Periodb));
   PrintFormat("%d objects with arrows created"256 - 33);

How it looks on the chart is shown in the following screenshot.

Wingdings characters in OBJ_ARROW labels

Wingdings characters in OBJ_ARROW labels