metatrador history data


Hello everybody,

I am new user of metatrador.

I want to learn how to test my expert but the data only from august 2006...

Is anyone knows where can i download data for the past 5-7 years for metatrador and how i can put it into the program?


I think this video help you - How works downloading from History Center

Hello Rosh,

First of all thank you for your help.

I saw the video and did the same but i have an a warning before the data downloads. you can see the warning in the picture.

Does it mean that the data i am downloading is not good? another question is, i found a free tick data here:

i converted it to a fxt files but i cant make the tester to work with this data, can you help me with that?

Thanx a lot!


"Does it mean that the data i am downloading is not good?"

It means you are downloading data from the Metquotes database.

Since there is no central clearing of FX transactions, there is no "correct" database, all will
be different to varying degrees.

The warning lets you know that the data you are downloading will not be a perfect match for the
dealer data you had.

Suggestion, install another MT4 for testing and try it out.