Push Notification


Hi Guys

I was wonder if someone could tell me how to send one. Ive set mine up in the options menu with my android device. Did a test and that successfully came through. However when i try integrating it ino my EA, i get an error 4014...which is system not allowed. Any one have any ideas ?

Would greatly be appreciated.



Hi Syphon,

Add your code with the push notification script. This will make it easier to help you.

Also have you tried to use simple text ?

SendNotification("Send nottification test");



Hi Wip, heres my code, or a summary of it, any ideas why it isnt coming through?
//Global variable declared
bool notification;

//stochastic array declared used to get the buffer value of the signal line ---> Assume buffer and handle correctly applied in OnInit()
double stoch_signal_buffer[];
int stoch_handle;

OnInit() {

if ( notification == NULL ) 
    if ( stoch_signal_buffer[0] > 80  ) {
        notification = SendNotification("Sample Text");

return 0;


Have you tried:

//Global variable declared
bool notification;

//stochastic array declared used to get the buffer value of the signal line ---> Assume buffer and handle correctly applied in OnInit()
double stoch_signal_buffer[];
int stoch_handle;

OnInit() {

if ( notification == NULL )
    if ( stoch_signal_buffer[0] > 80  ) {
        SendNotification("Sample Text");

return 0;



Yeah i have tried that but it doesn't seem to work either. I'm testing it using metatrader strategy tester, i assume it doesnt make a difference whether its live or backtesting

Yeah i have tried that but it doesn't seem to work either. I'm testing it using metatrader strategy tester, i assume it doesnt make a difference whether its live or backtesting

Yes it does!

 Send Notifications do not work with the strategy tester. Try it with a demo account this should do the trick. 

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

Ah schucks...assumptions..Thanks dude