request 1.00 EURUSD, Invalid parameters


lately I experienced weird behavior with my MetaTrader and ODL. My logs show entries like these:

07:48:29 'xxxxx': request 1.00 EURUSD
07:48:29 'xxxxx': request was accepted by server
07:48:29 'xxxxx': answer 1.00 EURUSD 1.4916 / 1.4918
07:48:32 'xxxxx': close order #1914045 buy 1.00 EURUSD at 1.4881 sl: 1.4870 tp: 0.0000 at price 1.4916
07:48:33 'xxxxx': order #1914045 buy 1.00 EURUSD closing at 1.4916 failed [Invalid parameters]
07:49:26 'xxxxx': modify order #1914045 buy 1.00 EURUSD at 1.4881 sl: 1.4870 tp: 0.0000 -> sl: 1.4906 tp: 1.4925
07:49:26 'xxxxx': request was accepted by server
07:49:26 'xxxxx': request in process
07:49:26 'xxxxx': order #1914045 buy 1.00 EURUSD at 1.4881 was modified -> sl: 1.4906 tp: 1.4925
of course 'xxxxx' is not what it said, it's censored. This is a coherent snippet, nothing is cut out within the time from 07:48:29 and 07:49:26.

1) Obviously, there was some quote request which I've never seen before. What is that? Is it about requoting?
2) OrderClose() failed with Err 3: ERR_INVALID_TRADE_PARAMETERS, what can be the reason? The price, the lot size seem to be correct. I suppose a wrong ticketNo. could be there reason, too. However, from the next entry we can tell that the ticketNo. seems to be OK since the modify-order with the exact same ticketNo went through! What do you think can be the reason for this OrderClose() failure? If you specify a wrong price as OrderClosePrice in OrderClose(), does that produce an error 3?

As you can tell I am pretty lost, I appreciate any help.

Ask question your broker.

It seems your broker switch execution mode on fly from request execution to instant execution and vice versa

thanks stringo.
That's interesting...well do you know anything about 2) ?