Price Tracking Help

I am new to MT4 and could really use some help. I am looking for an existing script or for someone to create a script that records the price of EUR/USD every half an hour and places the value into an MS excel spreadsheet. I have no clue how to make a script with MT4 and I could really use some help. So once again, I am looking to track the price of EUR/USD every 30 minutes and place that data in some sort of database whether it be MS excel, google docs, etc. Ex. at time 14:00 the price of EUR/USD is recorded into a spreadsheet, then at 14:30 the price at that time is added to the spreadsheet, then at 15:00 the price is recorded, and so on and so forth. Thank you for you help in advance!

Have your spreadsheet request the data via DDE every half hour.

see C:\Program Files\MetaTrader\MetaTrader\DDE-Sample.xls