Need help with ... input parameter as used in Print function

I want to write a function which uses variables length input parameters. Is there any help available about this topic?

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Thanks for your response. I want to write a debug function to write data in an output file. Instead of write the whole block of opening writing and closing a file, I want to make a function with same parameters as used in "Print" function call. Since Print function can handle variable number or input parameters so my debug function should support the same format. Which i don;t know how to do. Please help.


basically by replacing ',' by '+' you achieve the same result:


Debug(a+b+c) // where Debug(string msg) defined by user


basically by replacing ',' by '+' you achieve the same result:


Debug(a+b+c) // where Debug(string msg) defined by user

Thanks for your response. But in this case you have to convert every thing into string before you can call the function. I think it will help but I was looking for something like void Debug(...) were I could define ... inside the function. Thanks anyway.
maybe no, MT not use such callback  function.