Request additional hotkey assignment, and a graphical hotkey chart



As far as I know, today I must write a script and assign a hotkey to it if I want
to create additional hotkeys beyond the default set.

1. First request: Add a 2nd hotkey "=" to do a Zoom-In command. Since the "+" is
already documented as a Zoom-In key, I don't suggest to change it, but rather to
just add another key to do the same thing. Why? Because a "-" for Zoom-Out is
trivial to push. A "+" requires the Shift key. Instead, use the "=" which is
the same key as "+" but without the Shift. Much easier to zoom in and out without
having to use the Shift key at all.

2. Can the user have the ability to customize hotkeys for commands? I only
see the possibility to add hotkeys for indicators and scripts but not simple
commands. It is beyond many users' ability to write even simple scripts, or
perhaps just not worth much effort just to do a simple command by a new hotkey.

3. Is the a map of the default hotkeys? A picture that I can print out and tape
to my keyboard or at the bottom of my monitor would be helpful. It will remind
me of what "F11" and "F12" and "-" and "Cntl-N" and all the others do.

