Highest and Lowest since a trade begin

Hi everyboy I want to solve a problem : I try to get the Highest and Lowest since a trade begin : First I do that : double top_High = High[ Highest( NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, 10, 1 ) ]; double top_Sell = Low [ Lowest ( NULL, 0 ,MODE_LOW , 10, 1 ) ]; Alert(Symbol(), " " , Period(), " topH = " , top_High, " topS = " , top_Sell); and I want that : For example : If the trade begin at 6 h 00 and if now it's 8 h oo : top_High = High[ Highest( NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, 2, 1 ) ]; if it's 10 h oo : top_High = High[ Highest( NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, 4, 1 ) ]; if it's 12 h oo : top_High = High[ Highest( NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, 6, 1 ) ]; etc.. Help please! Best regards
int iBarShift( string symbol, int timeframe, datetime time, bool exact=false)

time = OrderOpenTime....

to get your 2 4 6......or any


Hi DxdCn

Thanks for your help

I will try it sooner.


It'S OK :-)
