Merging history files

I have purchased tick data and am using your csv2fxt conversion script, 2 issues have arisen.

1. Once I converted the 1st tick data file I placed the resultant 1 minute hst file into the history directory to view the visual results of the conversion - Each 1 minute tick was a flat line whereby O H L C were all the same value is this correct?

2. The tick data I have received is divided into 5 csv files, due to the size of the information - I run out of temporary memory when trying to create 1 file so I thought I would convert each file one at a time but of course I cannot as the file name is specific and the information is over written each time, how can I over come this problem and merge the data as required.

Best regards,
1. Not correct. Tick is the price changing. No changes - no ticks

2. It should be your decision wich part of ticks data is significant. If you solve this problem then you can merge data easy.