'Watch' lists

I have been looking at the Metaquotes language, with the intention of automating a trading system I have been working on.

Most of my requirements are well covered, and the documentation is sufficient for me to generate a suitable EA.

However, the EA seems to be attached to a specific 'symbol', or 'financial instrument'.

The system I use follows a list of symbols or instruments, collates some basic data, and creates a short list of candidate symbols which are then analysed for certain indicator conditions, or triggers.

I can see how I would perform the later stage of analysis, and even go on to enter and exit trades, by running an EA on the symbol that has been identified.

However, I cannot see a logical way of scanning a list of symbols, in order to create the short list. Nor can I see how to automatically attach an EA to each symbol in the short list.

Would it be more appropriate to use the APIs for this kind of functionality?

Thanks in advance for any advice,
EA itself attaches itself to a particular chart. But you can analyze any symbol from that EA not only the one in the attached chart.

look at functions iHigh,iLow,... iBarShift, etc. all indicators like iMA allow you to get result from any symbol and timeframe from within the EA.

All you need is to crerate list of symbols you want to analyze and then loop thru them to seek for trading conditions. In other words EA can trade and analyze any symbol regardless of which chart it is attached to.
Thankyou very much for the information, that is exactly what I needed to know.

As a programmer, these days we tend to think in an object oriented way, so made assumptions about the role of these kind of functions, although I did keep telling my project partner that I couldn't believe such a serious limitation existed.

Thanks again!