Coders: Run your EA with My money - and get paid for it

This is my out of the box hedge fund stragety.

I am going to open 25 - 50 forex accounts and run a different EA on
each account. This will be considered my stragety portfolio.

I will then set up a ranking system for the portfolio based on the
account performance of the previous month.

the top 3 performing accounts will be funded every month (100k +)

Here is how the programmers will be paid...I will use sample numbers
from last months performance using Doug's "AI" EA.\\

Deposit (9/1/06) $100,000
Ending Balance (9/30/06) $359,625 w/2 open positions (-$1800,$425
Kurka fund gets begining deposit + %50 benchmark = $150,000
Leaving $209,625
Doug (the programmer) got 10% = $20,962.5
And the rest stayed in the account for the next month =$188662.50

In this case we added a substantial amount to the $188k for october
because of the performance.

So if you have an EA that you would like to run using our money. Let
me know. It will be the same deal here. You get paid 10% of the growth
past the benchmark and the remainder is compounded into next month.

If your interested here is what I need....

1)Live results if you have them
2)EA Backtest results for the last 12 months (just the summary)
3)And last month (detailed)
4)every tick at least 75% quality.
5)Summary of the stragety (1 paragraph summary)

I will pick the best 50 and contact the programmers.
at that point I will need.

1)signed NDA (protects your code)
2)limited power of attorney (for you to access the account)
3)Signed financial agreement ( we are paying you for programming services)
4)Verification of source code (the broker will review the program)

Then I will fund the accounts and we will go live.

Here are some guidelines for the EA's
1)must be scaleable (I dont want it if it cannot manage big money)
2)Must account for scheduled news events (we will provide additional
code that can be added to the EA to do this)
3)you must own it
4)must be PROFITABLE

I am also looking for a web designer that can help out with a site to
manage this.

You can contact me via email... or skype: kurkafund
Have allot of responses, lets clear a few things up.

Q:why are you doing this?
A:Currently I am doing it to prove a theory. If it works, we will adopt the stragety and increase the account sizes.

Q: Are yhou going to open a real Money account?
A: yes that is the whole point.

Q: What broker do you use?
A: Any broker that you would like. I would suggest that you use someone who givees you a good comission as an IB. We will consolidate after the theory is proven.

Q:What is the Fee structure?
A:You get paid 10% of everything over the benchmark. Every month.

Q:When are you going to start with "big" money?
A:As soon as we prove the theory, shooting for Jan 07.

Q:Are you taking investors?
A:Of course. But at this point it is risky, money is being used only to prove the theory. No returns will be realized until it is proven and we move foward. If you want to talk about it, we can talk. But you will most likely be told to wait and invest in the Fund with normal fund fees.

Q:What kind of financial backing do you have?
A:I am willing to spend up to 100k to prove the theory. After that the sky is the limit. Depends on how the performance is during this period. The better it performs the more my partners and I will put into it.

Keep the EA's Comming.


after this Championship   you can find those three winners!
Thats why i am here. Dont have to wait for it to be over either.
Got some hate mail... this is new. If you think I am a spammer just ignore it. No reason to get mad.

We are dealing with money here, everything is by the books. You have to sign a 2 way NDA and a limited power of attorney before I transfer money into an account that I am trusting your program to manage. I also have to sign a fee schedule and submit it to the broker so that you can make money from my account. I am in no way asking anyone to make deposits into my account.

if you dont like it ignore it....