How to add a day at a datetime variable ?


How to add a day at a datetime variable ?

My code :
   datetime dtDateTest   = D'2004.01.01 00:00';
   datetime dtDateTestPlusOne;
   dtDateTestPlusOne =  dtDateTest + ??????? ;



How to add a day at a datetime variable ?

My code :
   datetime dtDateTest   = D'2004.01.01 00:00';
   datetime dtDateTestPlusOne;
   dtDateTestPlusOne =  dtDateTest + ??????? ;



The datetime variable keeps seconds since 1970-01-01, so adding 86400 (24*60*60) would move it a day.
The datetime variable keeps seconds since 1970-01-01, so adding 86400 (24*60*60) would move it a day.

Thanks, it works.


Hello, I was wondering if any one could assist me in completing my code. I need to convert a double to a datetime value.


datetime Buy_Exp(double numberbars_buy) //**  Double to time??


return iTime(Symbol,MTF,0) + numberbars_buy*MTF*60; // Format conversion? 


The purpose of this code is to enable a pending order to expire in a certain number of bars.


I have tried converting both the datetime value and the double to string values and then to add the values and then to re-convert the string back to a datetime value but it was not successful.



TimeCurrent() + (PeriodSeconds()*NumberOfBars)
May not be exactly what you want, but gives you something to work with
Ralph Ronnquist: The datetime variable keeps seconds since 1970-01-01, so adding 86400 (24*60*60) would move it a day.

Except that that may not be a trading day, e.g. week end.

#define HR2400 86400 // PERIOD_D1*60=24*60*60
datetime next_day(datetime when){
   int iToday = iBarShift(_Symbol, PERIOD_D1);
   if(iToday == 0) return iTime(_Symbol, PERIOD_D1,0) + HR2400;
   return iTime(_Symbol, PERIOD_D1, iToday - 1);
  1. GK0135: The purpose of this code is to enable a pending order to expire in a certain number of bars.
    Can't be done as there may not be a bar during a specific time like the week end, or the Asian session on the M1. "Free-of-Holes" Charts - MQL4 Articles
    If you really want "a certain number of bars," compare the iBarShift of the OrderOpenTime - Trade Functions - MQL4 Reference That is how many bars the order has been pending.

  2. datetime Buy_Exp(double numberbars_buy) //**  Double to time??
    return iTime(Symbol,MTF,0) + numberbars_buy*MTF*60; // Format conversion?
    I have tried converting both the datetime value and the double to string values and then to add the values and then to re-convert the string back to a datetime value but it was not successful.
    "Doesn't work" is meaningless - just like saying the car doesn't work. Doesn't start, won't go in gear, no electrical, missing the key, flat tires - meaningless. There are no mind readers here.

    Are there a global variables called Symbol and MTF? Why is numberbars_buy a double and not an int?
    This compiles just fine
    void OnStart(){
       #define MTF PERIOD_H1
       #define numberbars_buy 5
       datetime res=iTime(_Symbol,MTF,0) + numberbars_buy*MTF*60;
datetime t=Time[12];
t=t+( 60*59 );   // add 59 minutes
t=t+( 60*60*3 );   // add 3 hours
t=t+( 60*60*24 );   // add 24 hours - 1 day