Getting prices from another symbol?

Hi All, I'm trying to develop an EA however I can't seem to workout how to do one of the most important parts... I'm trying to get the prices of another symbol, Using marketinfo I've been able to get the latest bar details, however there doesn't seem to be a way to get historical prices?

If anyone can recommend a solution or even provide me with a hint in the right direction that'd be much appreciated!
here's a hint for you:

double array[x][6];

Two dimensional array is not so scary as it sounds ;)
x- length of data or number of Bars
the second dimension is information about Time, Open, Close, High, Low, Volume

this means that value of array[0][1] is opening price now and array[1000][2] is close price 1000 bars back. Somehow I think that if you need a long row of data then using array speeds up things. But of course series what stringo suggested are good as well.

Hope it helps!