getting the true server time

hi there,

I have a little problem.

my indicator uses the call curtime() to get the server time and also uses LocalTime() to get my time.
TimeDifference = CurTime() - LocalTime();

My intention is to use these together to work out the start of the day from my perspective.

Now it works perfectly when the markets are open but when they are closed it does not because CurTime() returns the time of the last tick.

Now I can see two possible solutions to this:

1. is there another call i can make to get the real time of the server? For example. ...

TimeDifference = GenuineServerTime() - LocalTime();

2. can i test to see if the market is open. If it is then use curtime and store off the difference in a GLobal varibale for later reuse if the market is not open:

if (MarketIsOpen())
  TimeDifference = CurTime() - LocalTime();
  GlobalVariableSet("TimeDifference",TimeDifference ) 
  TimeDifference = GlobalVariableGet("TimeDifference");

Can anyone help me fill in the missing links for either option for me or come up with another suggestion.

You can try to use the MODE_TRADEALLOWED identifier from the MarketInfo() function.
You can try to use the MODE_TRADEALLOWED identifier from the MarketInfo() function.
MODE_TRADEALLOWED is basically useless, as it's always 1 even during the weekend.

Now it works perfectly when the markets are open but when they are closed it does not because CurTime() returns the time of the last tick.
  1. CurTime is deprecated, use TimeCurrent()
  2. If the market is close, there are no ticks, so start isn't called and you're EA doesn't care.
  1. CurTime is deprecated, use TimeCurrent()
That's what can happen when someone dredges up a 5 1/2 year old thread ;-)