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9+ Jahre
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag The Best Way To Build A Forex Strategy veröffentlicht
The most appropriate way of doing this is to layer your strategy, similar to building a house your first goal should always be to dig the foundations, then you need to build the walls and finally construct the roof and as with building a house it’s imperative to follow that order as you couldn’t...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag Trading Without Leverage veröffentlicht
Leverage in general terms simply means borrowed funds. Leverage is widely used not just in Forex trading but also to acquire physical assets like real estate or cars...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag How to Trade my Daily Calls veröffentlicht
If you are looking for some useful daily analysis to give you some clues about which way the market will go and which particular currencies you should be looking out for, then my daily trade calls will become a fantastic resource...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag How to Select a Forex Broker veröffentlicht
This is a very popular question that I’m asked frequently, and in this post I will explain the best way to choose a Forex Broker...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag Quantitative vs Qualitative veröffentlicht
Since the global financial crisis the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve have used the policy of quantitative easing to try to revive consumer spending and economic growth...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag Sentiment vs Fundamentals veröffentlicht
Keeping track of significant economic indicators and financial news is pretty much the key to trading the Forex markets successfully. Understanding sentiment is an absolutely vital skill that all traders should refine and practice...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag What is over-trading? veröffentlicht
Over-trading is one of the most common trading mistakes many forex traders make. This post will explore over-trading and provide you with some tips to help you overcome this destructive emotional trading problem...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag Support and Resistance veröffentlicht
Support and resistance is one of the most widely used concepts in trading. One thing to remember is that support and resistance levels are not exact numbers. Often times you will see a support or resistance level that appears to be broken, but soon after find out the market was just testing it...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag Position Sizing and Risk veröffentlicht
The single most important factor in building a smooth equity curve in your trading account is the size of the position you take in your trades...
Sherif Hasan
The main event for today will be comments from Fed Chair Yellen, who will be discussing the economic outlook and monetary policy at the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia’s luncheon. As always on Mondays kick start the week with my prepared currency update below...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag How to trade the UK inflation report veröffentlicht
These types of events happen regularly but this week we have a very interesting scenario occurring because most analysts expect the Bank to upgrade its economic assessment of the UK economy and realign their targets for raising interest rates...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag How to trade the ECB’s monetary policy veröffentlicht
The European Central Bank (ECB) has always been in favour of ‘talking’ the market up and making bold promises that inspire confidence, while at the same time avoiding a catastrophic collapse based on the actual fundamentals of the region and often messy political backdrop...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag So how do FX traders actually make a profit? veröffentlicht
Learning FX can seem overwhelming. In his latest blog post, Sheriff explains the basics behind the currency markets and the most popular currencies traders need to be aware of. If you’re new to FX, you may be wondering where on earth to start...
Sherif Hasan
Beitrag Understand sentiment for FX success veröffentlicht
After a few hectic weeks of financial news and events, Sheriff explains how he employs fundamental analysis on a daily basis to judge the currency markets and make trades...
Sherif Hasan
Coming up in today’s London session will be PMI data releases from throughout Europe, followed by comments from Fed’s Bullard late in the session. As always on Mondays kick start the week with my prepared currency update below...
Sherif Hasan
Ahead we have UK CPI from which could be a major mover with US CPI later in the NY session. EURGBP long was stopped out on pound strength along with the recent Brexit poll that showed 55% to stay versus 40% to leave...
Sherif Hasan
Today’s session is expected to be uneventful with bank holidays in France, Germany and Switzerland and no significant economic data due until Empire State Manufacturing Index during the NY session...
Sherif Hasan
Forex Factory is probably one of the best known calendars available to retail traders, and this post will help you to understand how to use this tool in your trading...
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Kommentar zum Thema Traders Joking
Ticket for the Titanic 1912
Traders Joking
Sherif Hasan
Recently we received a question from one of our members asking if it is ok to use trend lines for her trading entries after she determined sentiment and direction from the news...