Kaijun Wang
Kaijun Wang
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7+ Jahre
Cooperation contact QQ: 556024
Cooperation mailbox: 556024@qq.com
Cooperation WeChat: 556024
TGGOUP: https://t.me/+qmlWO6RSTPY1ODc1
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Kaijun Wang
There are often requirements such as running order tracking and running EA for multiple accounts. We need to open and run multiple MT4 and MT5 on a server (VPS) or computer. In order to save system resources and unnecessary expenses, we can perform the following optimizations...
WuWong Zhu
WuWong Zhu 2025.01.28
BEST FOREX ROBOT, WATCH LIVE TRADING HERE IN YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT_42RWzq_0
Kaijun Wang Hat ein Produkt angeboten

六道轮回.(重新发布,原来上传的参数不对) 建议XAUUSD 因取六个周期,且周期轮回不息,而命名. 简介: 1.这是款趋势交易类型.波段交易,趋势交易. 2.每个订单都会设置相应的止损和相应的止盈. 3.回撤进场的方式,预测计算点位 4.胜率低,20%左右,但是盈亏比高 10:1左右 5.复利增长. 利弊 趋势交易中进驻有利进场位置,但是因为高盈亏比,显得胜率有点低. 回撤期较长.需要等待较长的调整等待期 在持仓盈利大的前提下,带有止损势必将胜率降低.小周期到大周期的趋势交易还有很大的优化空间 这其实是一款很老很老的EA了,完成于2017年,经历风雨,之前上传在MQL5上的参数有误,重新发布 以后新的趋势思路更为复杂严谨,可谓包罗万象,形态万千变化,但又不离其宗.小周期带动大周期,大周期影响小周期,周而复始循环往复. 大家可以下载自行测试.纯规则交易,纯趋势交易.无任何过度测试,原始呈现

Kaijun Wang Hat ein Produkt angeboten

99.90 USD

The most friendly interactive interface for ordering, the most abundant easy-to-use functions, and the best ordering plan.   \ Remote copying version!!!!! You need to ask the author for the server ID EASY   : Easy to use, just load and select the signal source or receiver to use. FAST:   Fast copy of orders, algorithm-optimized order-following mechanism, priority calculation of new signals, priority queue processing for special signals received Multiple:   1. Support multiple

Kaijun Wang Hat ein Produkt angeboten

The most friendly interactive interface for ordering, the most abundant easy-to-use functions, and the best ordering plan.   \ Remote copying version!!!!! You need to ask the author for the server ID EASY   : Easy to use, just load and select the signal source or receiver to use. FAST:   Fast copy of orders, algorithm-optimized order-following mechanism, priority calculation of new signals, priority queue processing for special signals received Multiple:   1. Support multiple

Kaijun Wang
Beitrag K Trading Assistant Detailed Operation Instructions veröffentlicht
Main interface button function 1. Page 1: One click opening and closing function area for orders 2. Page 2: One click hanging function page 3. Page 3: Settings Area 4. Page 4: Various automation function concentration camps 5. Page 5: Account Information Viewing 6...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag 划线交易功能区 veröffentlicht
1.划线开仓快捷开仓按钮 2.删除划线开单的开单绘图控件 3.划线开单设置界面 4.多单的持仓均价线 5.空单的持仓均价线 6.交易路径显示隐藏的快捷键 7.订单快捷平仓显示键 8.收盘倒计时显示 9.统计信息1 显示/隐藏 10.统计信息2 显示/隐藏 11.统计信息3 显示/隐藏 12.清除图表上的系统开仓路径,开平仓箭头和持仓路径线 13.显示/隐藏 系统的开仓线 止损线 止盈线...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag 0601 Arrange long orders in advance at 0529, confirm the trend channel at the daily line level, adjust the structure and veröffentlicht
If you need it, please pay attention to my official account, and I will send out strategic views on trading with this indicator from time to time In fact, I think there is nothing to say in detail. The channel and the main trend tell us the direction and point of the transaction...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag 0601 于0529提前布局多单,日线级别趋势通道回踩确认,30分钟调整结构加仓,1分钟上升结构加仓,顺势调整加仓加仓 veröffentlicht
有需要的大家关注一下我的公众号吧,会不定时发下用这个指标交易的策略观点 其实我自己认为没啥好详细说的,通道和主趋浪就告诉我们交易的方向和点位,没啥好分析,仅仅分享下自己的实战交易观点. 微信公众号 扫码关注 (一般有空的话不定时公众号分享下,没空都不发 谢谢理解) 0529的时候已经提醒大家 日线仍旧处在上升通道中,面临着趋势线的回踩确认,恰如其分反转浪用他的力度告诉了我们回踩确认...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag K交易助手 详细操作说明 veröffentlicht
主界面按键功能 1.分页1 : 订单一键开仓,一键平仓功能区 2.分页2 : 一键挂单 功能页 3.分页3 : 设置区 4.分页4 : 各种自动化功能集中营 5.分页5: 账户信息查看 6.分页6: 功能定制区,留空... 7.分页7: 程序推荐区 8.分页8 : 交易数据统计区,各种图标统计等 9.划线开单区 10.点击按钮打开按品种平仓 11...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag The judgment of the decline on May 10th, 11th, and 12th, and the current pattern of 5.18 veröffentlicht
5.10 M30 Channel trendline short 5.10 M30 Second confirmation of the channel trend line 5.12 M30 Going short at the price of the channel line 5.18 M30 The M30 band is about to be completed, shorting cautiously, there may be an adjustment of the M30 level...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag 5月10 号11号12号的下跌判断,以及5.18现在的格局 veröffentlicht
5.10号 30分钟向下趋势线,以及618回撤位置 5.11号 30分钟的二次确认,以及下降趋势通道再次开启 5.12 30分钟下降通道做空. 5.18后续的走势拿到了 该有的利润. M30可能有该级别的调整出现...
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag 0403-Channel down veröffentlicht
Kaijun Wang
Beitrag 0403-V turn channel up veröffentlicht