版本 2.1
Modified trading logic : direction of the candles is dismissed , only gap direction is taken into account.
Modified default setting to EurUsd M15 .
版本 2.0
Fixed opening orders on every candle , improved chart comment info , modified the default values for EurUsd symbol , H1 timeframe , corrected opening multiple orders , now the expert opens only one order at a time .
版本 1.9
Added Trail Start , Trail Value , Trail Step parameters .
版本 1.8
Added "Reverse Trades" option and "Time Filter" settings .
版本 1.7
Corrected lot calculation in auto mode , added lot size display on chart comment .
版本 1.6
Added spread filter .
版本 1.5
Added gap distance parameter , the gap distance is measured from the last High or the last Low of the last candle .
版本 1.4
Added StopLoss function , SmartLot management , removed closing by Macd , added Increase and Decrease lot size for SmartLot function .
版本 1.3
Fixed maximum lot "Comment" and lowered minimum allowed account euity to start .
版本 1.2
Fixed issue with Magic Number and working with other EA's .
版本 1.1
Implemented a lot management system , works correctly for accounts in USD , for accounts in other currencyes try with lower setting at first for example 0.01 or 0.1 and if it doesn't open trades rise the risk percentage until it does or look in the Journal of the Terminal to see the Error Report (Lot size is too small) .
Recommended Max 1% setting .
LotManagement is set to false by default .
Risk is set to 1 by default .
This EA has a good potential ,so far having trades with profit , if you need my eurusd M5 setfile just message me.