Dear Mr.Rosh,BUG or Misunderstend ?


Dear Nr.Rosh

I think I can find the orders in history pool only when they closed,Right?

But may be have some BUGs

I insert a piece of program at ea like this :

int i =0;
while (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY) ) i++;

FileWrite(RFhandle,"Order: ",OrderTicket()+1," CurTime()=",TimeToStr(CurTime()));

and run it .the result is following :

see the chart

the order No.1 closed at 2006.05.11 3:50

so we can only see the order after the time in history pool !

but the true is as following chart

The key point is the history pool recorded the order No.1 from openning to closed !!!

What's wrong ?