RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Chief Trading Officer в RVR Ventures
Специалист по финансовому анализу, трейдингу и стратегии с общим опытом работы 9 лет на рынке Форекс.

Остановить Потерять свои с трудом заработанные деньги для умных брокеров и компаний Forex.

Мы узнали, КАК не проиграть, проиграв в реальном времени и экспериментируя на реальных торгах. Обладая опытом работы, сильными техническими и аналитическими навыками, мы надеемся поделиться устойчивыми и последовательными торговыми сигналами. Как говорит наш основатель: Торгуйте меньше, но торгуйте хорошо. Одной ошибки достаточно, чтобы убить 100% капитала + прибыль, и одного правильного шага в нужное время достаточно, чтобы умножить свой капитал на прибыль в 100%.

Желаю вам всего наилучшего! Для получения дополнительной информации и запросов обращайтесь по адресу ask.rvr@gmail.com.

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ О ВЫСОКИМ РИСКЕ: Торговля иностранной валютой несет высокий уровень риска, который может не подходить для всех инвесторов. Кредитное плечо создает дополнительный риск и экспозицию потери. Прежде чем вы решите торговать иностранной валютой, тщательно рассмотрите свои инвестиционные цели, уровень опыта и толерантность к риску. Вы можете потерять часть или все свои первоначальные инвестиции; Не вкладывайте деньги, которые вы не можете позволить себе потерять. Мы строго следим за международными правилами и политикой по борьбе с отмыванием денег. Подписка на сигнальные сервисы не гарантирует получение прибыли каким-либо прямым или косвенным образом. Подписавшись на этот сигнал, вы берете 100% ответственности за прибыли или убытки, сделанные вами в результате этой подписки.

Настоящим вы обязуетесь не передавать / публиковать информацию / анализ / расчеты / с помощью этого сигнала любой третьей стороне любым прямым или косвенным образом на любой платформе - электронной, печатной или беспроводной.

Для получения дополнительной информации и запросов обращайтесь по адресу ask.rvr@gmail.com.
Spetsialist po finansovomu analizu, treydingu i strategii s obshchim opytom raboty 9 let na rynke Foreks.

Ostanovit' Poteryat' svoi s trudom zarabotannyye den'gi dlya umnykh brokerov i kompaniy Forex.

My uznali, KAK ne proigrat', proigrav v real'nom vremeni i eksperimentiruya na real'nykh torgakh. Obladaya opytom raboty, sil'nymi tekhnicheskimi i analiticheskimi navykami, my nadeyemsya podelit'sya ustoychivymi i posledovatel'nymi torgovymi signalami. Kak govorit nash osnovatel': Torguyte men'she, no torguyte khorosho. Odnoy oshibki dostatochno, chtoby ubit' 100% kapitala + pribyl', i odnogo pravil'nogo shaga v nuzhnoye vremya dostatochno, chtoby umnozhit' svoy kapital na pribyl' v 100%.

Zhelayu vam vsego nailuchshego! Dlya polucheniya dopolnitel'noy informatsii i zaprosov obrashchaytes' po adresu ask.rvr@gmail.com.

PREDUPREZHDENIYe O VYSOKIM RISKE: Torgovlya inostrannoy valyutoy neset vysokiy uroven' riska, kotoryy mozhet ne podkhodit' dlya vsekh investorov. Kreditnoye plecho sozdayet dopolnitel'nyy risk i ekspozitsiyu poteri. Prezhde chem vy reshite torgovat' inostrannoy valyutoy, tshchatel'no rassmotrite svoi investitsionnyye tseli, uroven' opyta i tolerantnost' k risku. Vy mozhete poteryat' chast' ili vse svoi pervonachal'nyye investitsii; Ne vkladyvayte den'gi, kotoryye vy ne mozhete pozvolit' sebe poteryat'. My strogo sledim za mezhdunarodnymi pravilami i politikoy po bor'be s otmyvaniyem deneg. Podpiska na signal'nyye servisy ne garantiruyet polucheniye pribyli kakim-libo pryamym ili kosvennym obrazom. Podpisavshis' na etot signal, vy berete 100% otvetstvennosti za pribyli ili ubytki, sdelannyye vami v rezul'tate etoy podpiski.

Nastoyashchim vy obyazuyetes' ne peredavat' / publikovat' informatsiyu / analiz / raschety / s pomoshch'yu etogo signala lyuboy tret'yey storone lyubym pryamym ili kosvennym obrazom na lyuboy platforme - elektronnoy, pechatnoy ili besprovodnoy.

Dlya polucheniya dopolnitel'noy informatsii i zaprosov obrashchaytes' po adresu ask.rvr@gmail.com.
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Market Analysis: 18 05 2020

Read more at: http://www.rvr.ventures/market-analysis-emerging-from-the-havoc/

Performance Report will be published on 22 05 2020.

Small Account holders can exit in 40/80 pips. Trade responsibly. Practice money management. Risk only as much as you can lose. You are responsible for the profits and losses from this analysis.

All the best!

#Forex #ForexAnalysis #ForexTrading #RvRVentures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Performance Report of 11 05 2020 | Market Analysis | RvR Ventures

#Forex #ForexMarket #ForexSingals #ForexAnalysis #RvRVentures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Market Analysis: http://www.rvr.ventures/market-analysis-economy-v-s-covid-19/

Small Account holders can exit in 40/80 pips.

Trade responsibly. Practice money management. Risk only as much as you can lose. You are responsible for the profits and losses from this analysis.

All the best!

#Forex #ForexAnalysis #ForexTrading #RvRVentures #4xhx
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Performance report of 04 May 2020: You can read more at: http://www.rvr.ventures/market-analysis-may-may-be-the-panacea/

#Forex #ForexMarket #ForexSingals #ForexAnalysis #RvRVentures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Read the latest Forex Market Analysis by RvR Ventures | Market Analysis 04 05 2020

Small Account holders can exit in 40/80 pips.

Trade with proper money management. Do not risk more than you can afford to loose.

Read at: http://www.rvr.ventures/market-analysis-may-may-be-the-panacea/

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc

#Forex #Investment #ForexAnalysis #ForexTrading #ForexMarket #ForexTrader
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Market Analysis as published on Monday, 27 04 2020: Performance Report: Friday, 01 05 2020

Read the complete analysis at:

Analysis for next week will be published on Monday, 04 May 2020.

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582
Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers

Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc

#Forex #ForexMarket #ForexTrading #ForexAnalysis #RvRventures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Read the latest Forex Market Analysis by RvR Ventures.

Read at: http://www.rvr.ventures/market-analysis-will-we-see-a-better-may/

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers

#Forex #ForexTrader #ForexTrading #Analysis #ForexMarket RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Read the latest Forex Market Analysis by RvR Ventures.

Read at: http://www.rvr.ventures/forex-market-analysis-rvr-ventures-

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers

#Forex #ForexTrader #ForexTrading #Analysis #ForexMarket RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Market Analysis as published on Monday, 06 04 2020: Performance Report: Friday, 10 04 2020

Read the complete analysis at:

Analysis for next week will be published on Monday, 13 April 2020.

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc

#Forex #ForexMarket #ForexTrading #ForexAnalysis #RvRventures
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
MyFxBook verified Trading Performance of the trades at RvR Ventures on various currencies.
Month of trading: APRIL, 2020

#forex #forextrading #fx #trade #Traders #market #RvRventures

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
MyFxBook verified Trading Performance of the trades at RvR Ventures on various currencies.
Month of trading: MARCH, 2020

#forex #forextrading #fx #trade #Traders #market #RvRventures

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
#forex #forextrading #fxtrading #ForexMarket

Read our latest Forex Market Analysis:


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RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Check our MyFxBook Verified Track Record: 2018-2020

#Forex #ForexTraders #ForexMarket #RvRventures

Click: http://rvr.ventures/track-record
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Our traders encashed 15,400 PIPS with safe entry and 90% trading accuracy in the last trading week. The market analysis by our analysts was published on our official website and social media handles on 30 March 2020.

On Monday, 30 March 2020 we had published our analysis based on the market conditions and the technical signals on 28 currency pairs. This week, the market saw a lot of twists and turns with some of the most important data revelation in the time of this pandemic. Some of the major market turning events that happened included the Chinese PMI which turned out to be better than expected, the German Manufacturing Index and the US Initial Jobless Claims data, NFP, US Unemployment Rate to name a few.

Following the analysis, the traders at RvR Ventures encashed a profit of 15,400 pips, even in this extremely unpredictable market. At a point where any moment could change the ball game in the market, our analyst still managed to achieve profits on 20 currency pairs out of 23 currency pairs on which the trades were executed on, providing an accuracy of 82%, even in the unpredictable market waters.

During this time of the pandemic, it has become difficult to analyse the market trends and entry and exit points. Hence, trade carefully and stay safe. Also, invest ONLY as much as you can lose. Implement strict money management formats to save your principle amount invested.

Read our Market Analysis Report & Performance at:

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
30.03.2020 | The World Braces For More Pain!

Read the latest #Forex Market Analysis and Trading Signals by RvR Ventures at:

#Trade responsibly. Invest Only As Much As You Can Lose.
#forexmarket #forextrading #forextrader #trade #Corona

Watch LIVE #ForexTrading by Neural network based #Robots & Professional Traders at: https://youtu.be/QbE2i46JsfM

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
30.03.2020 | The World Braces For More Pain!

Read the latest #Forex Market Analysis and Trading Signals by RvR Ventures at:

#Trade responsibly. Invest Only As Much As You Can Lose.
#forexmarket #forextrading #forextrader #trade #Corona

Watch LIVE #ForexTrading by Neural network based #Robots & Professional Traders at: https://youtu.be/QbE2i46JsfM

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
#forexsignals #forextrading #Forex Analysis by #RvRventures

Date: 23 March, 2020 | Trade at your own risk. Invest only as much as you can lose.

Report of the analysis will be published on Friday.

Read detailed analysis at:

Watch LIVE #ForexTrading by Neural network based #Robots & Professional Traders at: https://youtu.be/QbE2i46JsfM

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Forex Trading Analysis: Track report of analysis published for the third week of March 2020.

#Forex #ForexTrading #RvRventures #Analysis #Trading #ForexTraders

Watch LIVE #ForexTrading by Neural network based #Robots & Professional Traders at: https://youtu.be/QbE2i46JsfM

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Read #ForexMarket Analysis & Highlights, as analysed by our analysts on 15.03.2020. The accuracy of the same will be published on Friday, 20 March 2020.

#Forex | #Trade Responsibly | #Invest only as much as you can afford to lose | Do not #risk more than 3% of your total principle amount while #trading.

Watch LIVE #ForexTrading by Neural network based #Robots & Professional Traders at: https://youtu.be/QbE2i46JsfM

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc
RvR Ventures
RvR Ventures
Premium Portfolio Management Services, Automated Trading with Signals by Real Time Trading Robots by RvR Ventures.

Watch LIVE #ForexTrading by Neural network based #Robots & Professional Traders at: https://youtu.be/QbE2i46JsfM

Chat with us to know more: https://wa.me/971581958582

Register to open your account: http://bit.ly/OpenFxAccount
Join Our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ForexFundManagers
Subscribe Our You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/AnTlQd-FQxc