Arturo Lopez Perez
Arturo Lopez Perez
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Did you know that 90% of traders end up losing money?

It's not just a coincidence. The markets are incredibly tough to navigate and fiercely competitive. When you step into the market, you're going head-to-head with some of the sharpest minds on the planet, ready to take your money without a second thought, devour you like a chicken in a stew, and leave your bones bare on the plate.

We've all lost money in the markets. Every single one of us. Anyone who says they've never lost money in the markets is lying. Even me. I've lost astronomical amounts of money trading. I've lost more money than I'm willing to admit.

You're not alone.

I've lost money I could afford to part with, but also money I desperately needed. I've lost money to the point where I couldn't buy Christmas gifts for my family. I've lost money to the point of eating rice and canned meat until the end of the month. I've lost money to the point of selling stuff just to make ends meet. I've lost money to the point of biking to save on gas.

The markets have made me experience frustration, anxiety, sadness, anger, and shame. In that order. I've seen my dreams shatter overnight. The markets have beaten my ego like a piñata, reducing it to pulp repeatedly. The market has shaped my personality like a psychopath ex-wife.

The emotional rollercoaster of trading can either make you or break you; the choice is yours. Traders, by necessity, must develop impeccable emotional control. If you develop it, you can recover from setbacks. If not, you'll leave the markets with your tail between your legs, never to return.

The world is full of novice and undisciplined traders who venture into the markets without proper knowledge, abuse leverage, lose everything, and proceed to cry, complain to regulators, or jump out the window.

I've been trading successfully for over fifteen years, and I can confidently say that the difference between a successful trader and a loser lies in their ability to control themselves. In their ability to keep a cool head and maintain ironclad discipline when others opt for madness or despair. A successful trader must treat profits and losses as the impostors they are.

The irony of trading is that to succeed and amass wealth, you must first conquer yourself, control your ego, and learn to put the value of money in perspective. A good trader must keep their head on their shoulders while simultaneously being able to doubt themselves. They must trust their knowledge but keep learning. They must act decisively but not irresponsibly. They must respect money but not obsess over it.

Choosing trading setups, entries, exits, and managing risk is easy.

What's truly difficult is controlling yourself.

To make things worse, the financial industry is designed for you to lose money.

Numerous studies show that the emotional impact of losing 10% of your money is equivalent to the joy of winning 25%, and the financial industry capitalizes on that. Financial institutions make money when you open a new position or close an existing one. Your broker makes money when you change your mind. If you have no positions, your broker will send you optimistic news to buy. If you have positions, your broker will send you pessimistic news to sell. The broker's interface is filled with flashing colors like stuttering traffic lights, intending to cause you anxiety and encourage repetitive transactions.

I'll be brutally honest with you, in case you just fell off the turnip truck.

Financial entities are not your friends. No matter how many years you've been working with them, whether they're regulated and have prestigious awards. The broker's success lies in making you lose discipline to take money out of your pocket and put it in theirs.

Your success, on the other hand, lies in keeping a cool head.

Now, I'm going to say something that might surprise you.

After many years of profitable trading, I've come to the conclusion that to be a successful trader, you only need three things. Just three. The right mindset, understanding the markets, and having the right technical tools. That's it. Nothing more. Everything else is bells and whistles. The first two will allow you to control yourself, choose instruments, and structure your operations, and the third will give you an edge to exploit systematically against other participants.

The mindset is the most important thing for successful trading.

It's impossible to make money in the markets with the mindset of an employee, civil servant, or retiree. Thriving in the markets doesn't require great intelligence, but it does require the right mindset. In trading, like in life, you're your own worst enemy. You come to the markets pre-cursed, and if you're seeking income stability, the markets aren't for you.

Discipline will be your best friend in the markets, and the lack of it will be a terrible curse. Without discipline, the markets will turn your money into carrion for vultures. It's imperative that you develop your discipline before trading, and the best way to do that is outside of the markets, where the price for faltering is modest. The markets, on the other hand, will make you pay the highest price for your weaknesses. If you can't live a disciplined and systematic life before trading in the markets, you’ll send your money to money heaven.

You can start developing your discipline by waking up early and exercising in the morning. Join a crossfit gym, go for a bike ride, or swim fifteen hundred meters. It doesn't matter what, just do it. Whether it's cold or hot, snowing or raining, whether you feel like it or not. Implement a healthy diet and follow it with the systematic approach of a soldier. Throw the TV in the trash and acquire the habit of reading regularly on any topic that interests you: investments, trading, gardening, or philosophy, whatever floats your boat.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in. Don't try trading until you've developed discipline.

Next, you need to understand what markets are and how they work.

You must understand that the markets are an efficient information-discounting machine with a three-year time horizon, and the shorter the time horizon, the more efficient the market is at assigning prices.

This means that any publicly available information has already been discounted by the market before you can do anything about it: I don't care where it comes from. It doesn't matter what specialized media you read, what news sources you follow, or how many newsletters you're subscribed to: you won't be able to consistently extract money from the market using public domain information.

The markets are the great humiliator. The market's mission is to drive you crazy, make you make mistakes, snatch your money, and destroy your self-esteem. The markets enjoy doing what others don't expect and emptying the pockets of all those foolish enough to try to take theirs. The markets are a wealth transmission vehicle from the patient to the impatient and from the educated to the ignorant.

To make money in the short term in the markets, you must know things that others don't, have tools that others don't, and be more disciplined than your adversaries. If you want to make money in the short term, you must turn volatility into your best friend because it's the worst enemy of long-term holders.

The directionality of prices matters, but for a trader, volatility matters more.

Volatility is the nemesis of ignorant investors because it robs them of sleep and drives them to make all sorts of counterproductive decisions. You must understand that in the markets, other participants are your enemies, and volatility increases the probability that they will make mistakes due to anxiety or fear.

Volatility is your adversary's enemy and therefore, your best friend. The more long-term holders there are in a particular asset, the more lucrative it will be for a trader to operate it. You need victims from whom to mercilessly take money when negative emotions invade them. When long-term holders panic and sell valuable assets out of fear of price fluctuations, you must be there to take their money with a smile on your face.

The world is full of investors who are unable to accept market volatility and consequently make colossal mistakes time and time again. When volatility comes into play, investors stampede like frightened buffalo and throw their money off a cliff.

The best traders in the world are dedicated to picking up the money that long-term investors lose due to fear of volatility. In this sense, what instruments to trade matters much more than how you decide to trade them. Most traders don't understand this and fail miserably. You need to trade assets with many fearful long-term holders whom you can empty when they make mistakes and throw their money off the cliff, prey to panic.

The number of long-term holders in a particular asset indicates how attractive it is to trade, and volatility indicates when it's most profitable to do so. The more volatility there is, the more ignorant investors there will be making mistakes and generously donating their money to you.

Most investors lose money in the market for fear of losing money, which is the height of stupidity. They're undisciplined people or gamblers who haven't done their homework and therefore deserve to be stripped of their money mercilessly. He who is about to fall deserves to be pushed, as Nietzsche said.

If you understand the markets and choose what to trade wisely, you'll make fortunes.

Fortunes that others lose.

And finally, you need the right tools.

This is where I come into play. The tools of a good trader are technical indicators and robots. A good technical indicator will allow you to see things that others don't and take full advantage of situations that cause panic and despair to everyone else, as well as improve the timing of your trades.

On the other hand, trading robots will lighten your workload and allow you to focus on the discretionary aspects of trading, delegating order management, exit strategy, and countless other things.

If you trade the right markets, at the right time, and with the right tools, you'll crush it. You'll clean up. You'll be able to take a dump on top of your boss's desk. You'll be able wipe your butt with hundred-dollar bills. You'll feel like you've broken the bank at the Monte Carlo casino every year. You won't distinguish between Tuesdays and Saturdays. You'll have an irresistible conversation for the opposite sex. You'll go to the grocery store in a Ferrari. You'll be able to rent a yacht in the summer and fill it with naked chicks. You'll triple your dating game. You'll extend your sex life beyond fifty…

You get the idea.

If you have discipline and understand the markets, my indicators and robots can make you a fortune because they offer you a statistical edge that you can exploit systematically against your adversaries.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in. My trading tools can make you a boatload of money.

The good news is that most of my trading tools are completely free.

That means you'll get them free of charge. In exchange for nothing. For zero dollars. Zip. Nil. On the house. All you have to do to get them is enter your email, and I'll send them to your inbox faster than you can say "bull market".

Plain and simple. No nonsense. No bullshit. No strings attached.

People tend to dismiss everything free, assuming it has no value, but when it comes to my indicators and robots, you'd be mistaken to do so. On my website, you'll find high-quality free tools, better than the vast majority of paid alternatives you'll find online.

Now, I could brag about my experience as a programmer, the quality and uniqueness of my tools, how robust they are, the flexibility they offer, and the honesty with which I present them, but I'm not going to do that because that's what everyone else does. Instead of that, I prefer you download them and see for yourself.

But I can't give away all my work.

I'd love to offer all my indicators and robots completely free of charge, but it turns out that keeping them updated and answering your burning questions requires some effort and dedication.

Therefore, you should know that I also offer premium tools and I'm going to try to sell them to you because it's my duty. That's how it is. If I didn't, I'd be irresponsible and throwing my only talent down the drain.

I'm not going to beat around the bush.

The market wants your money, the broker wants your money, and I want your money.

But at least I'm being upfront with you and willing to play fair. I won't subject you to sophisticated conversion tunnels, unfulfillable promises, recurring charges, upsells, downsells, or relentless phone calls. There are no rags-to-riches tales here, no reels, shorts, or tweets designed to awaken your greed and urge you to buy something you don't need. What you see is what you get.

If you like my free tools or you've enjoyed my rant, consider the possibility of buying some of my indicators or robots. I'll be eternally grateful, and it will allow me to keep the show running, instead of just lounging around in my penthouse overlooking the ski slopes or chilling in the spa.

I'm aware that if I didn't give away most of my tools, but instead wrapped them in colorful paper and promoted them tirelessly on social media without rocking the boat, I would make much more money than I do now. But to be honest, all of that feels like too much effort to me.

I wish you the best of luck in your trading.
Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

Identify key turning points with reliable fractal analysis Special Offer: Purchase now to receive free bonuses worth $30! (Read more for details) This indicator examines the price structure of fractals of different periods to determine possible reversal points in the market, providing timing to positional traders that already have a fundamental or technical valuation model. Unlike its younger brother, Reversal Fractals , this indicator won't miss reversals because of the period selected, and

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт
Отзывов: 2
99.00 USD

Этот индикатор исследует ценовую структуру фракталов разных периодов, чтобы определить возможные точки разворота на рынке, предоставляя время позиционным трейдерам, которые уже имеют фундаментальную или техническую модель оценки. В отличие от своего младшего брата, Reversal Fractals , этот индикатор не пропустит развороты из-за выбранного периода и будет находить разворотные фракталы зигзагообразно, игнорируя те развороты, которые не несут достаточного импульса для начала устойчивого движения

Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
My free trading tools were downloaded 33,852 times this month. Record number.
Emmanuel Chukwudi Offor
Emmanuel Chukwudi Offor 2020.07.19
because you are one of the best here
huiyaceramic 2020.09.22
hi,amigo,i am from China, can youi send me EA for stoch ? with thanks
SamuelMomah Momah
SamuelMomah Momah 2020.11.19
How do I get them so I can test run before purchasing any package please sir?
I am Samuel Momah from Nigeria
Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
My free indicators and EAs were downloaded 21,098 times in August.
ForexGump 2021.02.05
Saludos Arturo. He intentado descargarme tu EA desde la pagina mql5 pero no se por que no hay manera. Me da error. Uso LinuxMint como sistema operativo, quizas sea por ello... Querria saber si tu EA gratuito basado en canales Donchian funciona correctamente en MT4 en Linux. Supongo que si... Me encantaria verlo funciona. Serias tan amable de enviarmelo via Facebook a mi cuenta de Trader Consistente o a mi cuenta ? Me encanta el sistema de Donchian, sobre todo para comercio de medio largo plazo y no soy capaz aun de programarlo yo mismo. Si no es posible te doy las gracias de todas formas! Saludos!
Arturo Lopez Perez
Kindly follow these instructions to install my free indicators and EAs in your terminal, if the website protocol links are not working for you. It involves finding my tools in the market tab of the platform and installing them from there, without browsing any website. 1) Open Metatrader 2...
Arturo Lopez Perez

PZ Trading FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

22 августа 2019, 14:06
General Questions How do I install expert advisors or indicators from the market...
Arturo Lopez Perez

[USER GUIDE] - PZ Grid Trading EA (MT4/MT5)

22 августа 2019, 13:30
Grid trading is an efficient mechanical trading strategy which has no reliance on direction, profits from volatility and uses the intrinsic wavy nature of the market. It uses fixed price levels to enter and exit trades in one or both directions...
Arturo Lopez Perez

[USER GUIDE] - PZ Averaging EA (MT4/MT5)

21 августа 2019, 21:08
Averaging EA is a Metatrader Expert Advisor that provides a suitable framework for your trading activity and recovers trades using averaging...
Arturo Lopez Perez

[USER GUIDE] - PZ Hedging EA (MT4/MT5)

21 августа 2019, 17:02
Hedging EA is a Metatrader Expert Advisor that provides a correct framework for your trading activity. It provides proper risk calculations and a very smart position management strategy that will manage your trades automatically and recover your trading losses...
Arturo Lopez Perez
Stop Reverse EA is a Metatrader Expert Advisor that provides an aggressive framework for your trading activity...
Arturo Lopez Perez
To update purchased EAs or Indicators to the latest available version, follow these steps. This post assumes that you have an active account at If you don't, register here. Kindly note that updating to the newest version of a product does not spend an activation. First, enter your mql5...
Arturo Lopez Perez
This document aims to help you diagnose problems with Expert Advisors, Indicators or Scripts for Metatrader4 and Metatrader5...
Arturo Lopez Perez
To activate purchased EAs or Indicators in your Metatrader Platform, follow these steps. This post assumes that you have an active account at If you don't, register here. First, enter your credentials in your Metatrader Platform...
15041974 2020.05.07
Hello my friend, I purchased pz wedges for both mt4 n mt5, but I didnt get my mt4 pz wedge to download, I followed all instructions but now use, mql5 market place is not loading
Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

Это последняя версия моего знаменитого индикатора Reversal Fractals, впервые опубликованного почти десять лет назад. Он исследует ценовую структуру фракталов, чтобы определить возможные точки разворота на рынке, предоставляя время позиционным трейдерам, у которых уже есть фундаментальная или техническая модель оценки. [ Руководство по установке | Руководство по обновлению | Устранение неполадок | Часто задаваемые вопросы | Все продукты ] Фракталы разворота могут запускать длинные тренды

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

The Penta-O is a 6-point retracement harmonacci pattern which usually precedes big market movements. Penta-O patterns can expand and repaint quite a bit. To make things easier this indicator implements a twist: it waits for a donchian breakout in the right direction before signaling the trade. The end result is an otherwise repainting indicator with a very reliable trading signal. The donchian breakout period is entered as an input. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ |

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

The Penta-O is a 6-point retracement harmonacci pattern which usually precedes big market movements. Penta-O patterns can expand and repaint quite a bit. To make things easier this indicator implements a twist: it waits for a donchian breakout in the right direction before signaling the trade. The end result is an otherwise repainting indicator with a very reliable trading signal. The donchian breakout period is entered as an input. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ |

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

This indicator finds Three Drives patterns. The Three Drives pattern is a 6-point reversal pattern characterised by a series of higher highs or lower lows that complete at a 127% or 161.8% Fibonacci extension. It signals that the market is exhausted and a reversal can happen. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Customizable pattern sizes Customizable colors and sizes Customizable breakout periods Customizable 1-2-3 and 0-A-B ratios It implements

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт
Отзывов: 3
299.00 USD

Стратегия треугольного арбитража использует неэффективность между тремя связанными валютными парами, размещая компенсирующие сделки, которые отменяют друг друга для получения чистой прибыли, когда неэффективность устраняется. Сделка включает в себя три сделки, обмен начальной валюты на вторую, вторую валюту на третью и третью валюту на начальную. С третьей сделкой арбитражер фиксирует прибыль с нулевым риском из-за несоответствия, которое существует, когда рыночный кросс-курс не совпадает с

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

Это очень простой, но эффективный индикатор для торговли на прорывах переменных фрактальных периодов. Фрактал - это ценовое формирование нечетного числа баров, являющееся средним баром самой высокой или самой низкой ценовой точкой формирования. Эти цены действуют как краткосрочные уровни поддержки и сопротивления, которые этот индикатор использует для построения ценового канала и отображения прорывов. [ Руководство по установке | Руководство по обновлению | Устранение неполадок | FAQ | Все

Arturo Lopez Perez Выставил продукт

Торговля сильными валютами против слабых валют - всегда самая безопасная игра. Этот индикатор измеряет относительную силу между основными валютами и облегчает выбор инструментов, облегчает вход и выход. Основная идея состоит в том, чтобы атаковать слабые валюты, используя сильные в качестве контрвалюты, и наоборот. Покупайте силу против слабости и короткую слабость против силы. [ Руководство по установке | Руководство по обновлению | Устранение неполадок | FAQ | Все продукты ] Найти сильные и