Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
  • Informações
2 anos
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Desenvolvi minha própria estratégia de negociação e meu ponto de lucro está entre 35 - 65 pips, mas meu ponto-alvo é entre 35 - 55 pips por lucro comercial, pois me concentro na negociação diária. Meu intervalo de stop loss para em 105 pips e decido qual será o tamanho do meu lote de margem livre para negociar com base em meu próprio sistema de gerenciamento de patrimônio dividido em 75P, 85P e 105P.

Eu posto em média a cada mês cerca de 24 negociações e minha faixa de precisão de ponto de lucro varia entre 80% e 98% por mês, produzindo em média entre 420 – 1815 pips de lucro por mês.
Mas também posso produzir uma perda e, quando isso acontece, tento fazer com que a perda seja a menor possível, com a capacidade de recuperar a perda e retornar ao lucro rapidamente.


Sou formado pelo Market Traders Institute com sede em Orlando, Flórida, e sou corretor/comerciante de varejo Forex desde 1º de agosto de 2017.


De 28 de agosto de 2017 a 31 de janeiro de 2023, criei 21.920,07 pips de lucro líquido e produzi lucro em nível de microlote de US$ 2.192,01 – US$ 19.728,06, nível de minilote de US$ 21.920,07 – US$ 197.280,63, nível de lote padrão de US$ 219.200,70 – US$ 1.490,63 e lucro máximo no nível do lote de us$ 1.753.605,60 – us$ 2.192.007,00
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat

Here is an update. I have lowered my stop loss limits to 70P, 85P and 105P.
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
I am ok. My account is growing with my method. Thank you for the invite.
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
My overall stats are not a true reflection on success. You need to look at the stats within the past 3 months and my rate of return for the month and year.
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
I have a new and more effective trading strategy. You need to keep your eye on me.
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
Here are the Forex Trading results for the month: September 2022
Period: Thursday September 1st, 2022 - Friday September 30th, 2022

Trades set up: 25
(1) AUD / USD #5
(2) CAD / CHF #6
(3) CAD / JPY #7
(4) CHF / JPY #8
(5) EUR / AUD #9
(6) EUR / CAD #10
(7) EUR / CHF #11
(8) EUR / GBP #12
(9) EUR / JPY #13
(10) EUR / NOK #14
(11) EUR / NZD #15
(12) EUR / NZD #16
(13) GBP / AUD #17
(14) GBP / CAD #18
(15) GBP / CHF #19
(16) GBP / JPY #20
(17) GBP / NZD #21
(18) GBP / USD #22
(19) NZD / CAD #23
(20) NZD / CHF #24
(21) NZD / JPY #25
(22) NZD / USD #26
(23) USD / CAD #27
(24) USD / CHF #28
(25) USD / JPY #29

Trades brought forward = 2
(1) USD / JPY #29
(2) USD / ZAR #32

Trades carry forward = 1
(1) USD / JPY #29

Trades closed: 26
(1) AUD / CHF #2 = 30 pips profit
(2) AUD / USD #5 = 60 pips profit
(3) CAD / CHF #6 = (305) pips loss
(4) CAD / JPY #7 = 35 pips profit
(5) CHF / JPY #8 = 39 pips profit
(6) EUR / AUD #9 = 65 pips profit
(7) EUR / CAD #10 = 36 pips profit
(8) EUR / CHF #11 = 65 pips profit
(9) EUR / GBP #12 = 40 pips profit
(10) EUR / JPY #13 = 35 pips profit
(11) EUR / NOK #14 = 6.5 pips profit
(12) EUR / NZD #15 = (420) pips loss
(13) EUR / USD#16 = 35 pips profit
(14) GBP / AUD #17 = 36 pips profit
(15) GBP / CAD #18 = 36 pips profit
(16) GBP / CHF #19 = 35 pips profit
(17) GBP / JPY #20 = 35 pips profit
(18) GBP / NZD #21 = 35 pips profit
(19) GBP / USD #22 = 35 pips profit
(20) NZD / CAD #23 = 35 pips profit
(21) NZD / CHF #24 = 10 pips profit
(22) NZD / JPY #25 = 36 pips profit
(23) NZD / USD #26 = 35 pips profit
(24) USD / CAD #27 = 35 pips profit
(25) USD / CHF #28 = 35 pips profit
(26) USD / ZAR #32 = (421) pips loss

Month Total Trades Closed = 26 trades
Trades won = (23) trades
Trades Loss = 3 trades
Return on Trade (ROT) = 23 trades divided by 26 trades % = 88%

Year Total Trades Closed = 140 trades
Trades won = 123 trades
Trades Loss = (17) trades
Return on Trade (ROT) = 123 trades divided by 140 trades % = 88%

Month Total Pips done = 1,990.90 Pips
Pips won = 844.70 pips
Pips loss = (1,145.80) pips
Return on Pips (ROP) = 844.70 pips divided by 1,145.80 Pips % = 42%

Month Net Pips = 844.70 pips – 1,145.80 pips = (301.10) Pips Loss
Micro lot level = (301.10) x 0.01 / us$0.10 = us ($30.11)
Mini lot level = (301.10) x 0.1 / us$1.00 = us ($301.10)
Standard Lot Level = (301.10) x 1.0 / us$10.00 = us ($3,011.00)
Max lot level = (301.10) x 8.0 / us$80.00 = us ($24,088.00)

Year Total Pips done = 5,230.00 Pips
Pips won = 3,403.80 pips
Pips loss = (1,825.80) pips
Return on Pips (ROP) = 3,403.80 pips divided by 5,230.00 Pips % = 65 %

Year Net Pips = 3,403.80 – 1,825.80 = 1,578.00 pips profit
Micro lot level = 1,578.00 x 0.01 / us$0.10 = us$157.80
Mini lot level = 1,578.00 x 0.1 / us$1.00 = us$1,578.00
Standard Lot Level = 1,578.00 x 1.0 / us$10.00 = us$15,780.00
Max lot level = 1,578.00 x 8.0 / us$80.00 = us$126,240.00

I am a graduate from the Market Traders Institute based in Orlando Florida and I have been a Forex Retail Broker/Trader since August 1st, 2017.

From August 28th 2017 to September 30th, 2022, I have created 21,590.77 pips of net profit and produce micro lot level profit of us$2,159.08, mini lot level of us$21,590.77, standard lot level of us$215,907.70.00 and maximum lot level profit of us$1,727,261.60.00
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
I don't understand how Tesla EA Pro got their results on this trade pairing. Below is the hour chart and there are the opposite to Tesla ER pro stats.
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
I made a profit on the GBPUSD trade because my strategy told me it was a good trade with a -88% rating. And I posted to 2 accounts lot 0.04 and lot 5.00 the other. I made excellent profit.
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
My information link below:

Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
This is a screenshot of my August 2022 trades
Andrew A Streat
Andrew A Streat
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Andrew, I am just a novice Forex Trader but a fast learner. You can see my trades by checking out and do a search for my name westieplus. Have a very productive week.
Andrew A Streat
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