Hi, I'm a Web Developer based in Cologne, Germany. I work for an Internet Agency where I develop large scaled Enterprise Websites and Shop Systems for our customers. I come from a C++ background and am actually writing php most of the time, but I have a strong passion for all kind of OOP Languages.

I got kinda addicted to forex by the sheer difficulty of predicting its market movement. Developing Trading systems is like solving an uberdifficult puzzle, that can change it's targets and goals each and every moment. I started for the money but I still stay for the fun and challange it presents to me.

MQL5 catched my attention as it enables me to connect best of both worlds (OOP Programming and Trading). I'm always eager to learn so don't hesitate to contact me.

Cya soon!
Paul van Hemmen
Publicado o código EasyXML - Analisador XML
EasyXML é uma Biblioteca nativa de Análise XML em MQL5. Ele pode analisar XML a partir de três fontes diferentes: URL, arquivo e string de entrada. Ele é completamente orientado a objeto e se esforça para integrar ordenadamente com MQL5, já que ele utiliza CObject e CArrayObj da biblioteca padrão em MQL5 para armazenar o DOM.
Paul van Hemmen
Registrado no site MQL5.community