The Impact of Stress on Traders' Physical & Mental Health
When discussing traders' physical health, simple issues like sitting correctly during work usually come to mind. However, the reality is different. Stress is the main factor behind major mistakes. Brokers and exchanges often do not talk about it but rather try to attract more traders by simplifying the process.
For example, compare a trader to a doctor. Becoming a doctor requires years of study and obtaining a medical license, but trading does not require any specific degree. While a doctor needs a physical clinic, a trader doesn't need a specific location and can connect to trading platforms with just a system and internet access, even while traveling.
With these definitions, trading appears simpler and more appealing. However, the truth is that every trade a trader enters involves risking their assets, even if they are confident it will be profitable. Thus, a trader is constantly risking when going to work. But does a doctor face the same risks?
No, a doctor risks when they don't go to work because they won't have patients and income for that day. This fact is not openly discussed in financial markets.
Risk always comes with stress, but what are the detrimental effects of stress on human health? Despite all the advancements in technology and different aspects of life, human instincts still operate the same way. Every morning when you leave home, your mind and subconscious think that you have left the cave and are heading to the jungle to hunt for food.
Imagine being confronted by a wild and predatory animal in the jungle, seeing you as its food. You would experience fear and stress. Your blood thickens, and red blood cells transport oxygen from your blood surface to your muscles to prepare for an explosive movement to escape. Every time you experience stress, this process happens in your body. Your body doesn't comprehend that you're stuck in traffic and running late for your meeting. It thinks your life is in danger. Oxygen doesn't reach your brain sufficiently, causing shortness of breath. You unknowingly shake your leg as all the oxygen is trapped there.
Interestingly, during stress, the body doesn't allow you to urinate easily or it becomes quite challenging. According to this logic, if even a drop of urine escapes while you're fleeing, the wild animal might find you due to its keen sense of smell.
These long-term consequences have serious implications for traders because they have chosen a stress-inducing profession.
Here are some ways to control stress:
1. Generate carbon dioxide! Accumulate enough oxygen in your body and then produce carbon dioxide by breathing and retaining it. You will be amazed by the astonishing results.

2. Engage in intense physical activity such as swimming, sprinting, or running at full speed for a few seconds!

I hope this information proves useful to you and helps you control stress. I'm Danial Yari, and I would be delighted to hear your thoughts on this matter. Thank you.
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