Boris Armenteros / Vendedor
Produtos publicados
Prevê o mais provável movimento de preços a curto prazo baseado em cálculos matemáticos avançados.
Características Estimativa do movimento imediato de preços; Cálculo da tendência real do mercado; Cálculo dos níveis de suporte e resistência mais importantes; Algoritmos otimizados para fazer cálculos matemáticos complexos com um dreno mínimo dos recursos de sistema; Auto-ajuste para um melhor desempenho, por isso funciona corretamente em qualquer ativo (não importa o quanto seja exótico) e qual
It predicts the most likely short-term price movement based on advanced mathematical calculations.
Features Estimation of immediate price movement; Calculation of the real market trend; Calculation of the most important support and resistance levels; Algorithms optimized for making complex mathematical calculations with a minimal drain of system resources; Self-adjusting for better performance, so it’s able to work properly at any symbol (no matter how exotic it is) and any timeframe; Compatib
Introduction The "Two Moving Average Crossover" indicator for MetaTrader 5 (MT5) is a technical analysis tool that displays two moving averages and notifies when the moving averages cross each other. The indicator calculates and plots two moving averages, one of which is faster and the other is slower. When the faster moving average crosses above the slower moving average, it is considered a bullish signal, indicating a potential trend reversal or the start of a new uptrend. Conversely, when th
Be notified of every color change of Heiken Ashi (HA) candles. The indicator will trigger past and new signals every time that HA candles change their colors. ( Note : this tool is based on the code of Heiken Ashi indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.)
Features The signals are triggered at closing of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; By default, up arrows are p
Crossing of market price and moving average with all kinds of alerts and features to improve visualization on the chart.
Features Crossing of market price and Moving Average (MA) at current bar or at closing of last bar; It can avoid same signals in a row, so it can allow only a buy signal followed by a sell signal and vice versa; MA can be set for any of the following averaging methods: Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA), Linear-w
Prevê o mais provável movimento de preços a curto prazo baseado em cálculos matemáticos avançados.
Características Estimativa imediata do movimento de preços; Cálculo da tendência real do mercado; Cálculo dos níveis de suporte e resistência mais importantes; Algoritmos otimizados para fazer cálculos matemáticos complexos com um dreno mínimo de recursos do sistema; Auto-ajustável para um melhor desempenho, por isso é capaz de funcionar corretamente em qualquer símbolo (não importa o quão exótic
O indicador "Two Moving Average Crossover" para MetaTrader 4 (MT4 é uma ferramenta de análise técnica que apresenta duas médias móveis e notifica quando as médias móveis se cruzam. O indicador calcula e traça duas médias móveis, uma das quais é mais rápida e a outra é mais lenta. Quando a média móvel mais rápida se cruza acima da média móvel mais lenta, é considerada um sinal de alta, indicando uma potencial inversão de tendência ou o início de uma nova tendência de alta. Pelo contrário, quando
Crossing of market price and moving average with all kinds of alerts and features to improve visualization on the chart.
Features Crossing of market price and Moving Average (MA) at current bar or at closing of last bar; It can avoid same signals in a row, so it can allow only a buy signal followed by a sell signal and vice versa; MA can be set for any of the following averaging methods: Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA), Linear-weig
Be notified of every color change of Heiken Ashi (HA) candles. The indicator will trigger past and new signals every time that HA candles change their colors. Note : this tool is based on the code of Heiken Ashi indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Features The signals are triggered at closing of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; By default, up arrows are plot
This indicator triggers an alert for one of the most popular methods used in Stochastic Oscillator. This is as follow: a buying alert when the Oscillator (either MAIN [%K] or SIGNAL [%D]) falls below a specific level (e.g., 20) and then rises above that level. a selling alert when the Oscillator rises above a specific level (e.g., 80) and then falls below that level. Note: this tool was developed based on the code of Stochastic Oscillator indicator included by default in MetaTrader 4 terminal
Prevê o movimento mais provável de preços no curto prazo com base em cálculos matemáticos avançados.
Características Estimativa do movimento imediato dos preços ; Calcula a tendência real do mercado; Calcula os níveis de suporte e resistência mais importantes; Algoritmos otimizados para fazer cálculos matemáticos complexos com um uso mínimo de recursos do sistema; Auto-ajustável para um melhor desempenho, por isso é capaz de funcionar corretamente em qualquer ativo (não importa o quanto seja e
Signals and Alerts for AMA (Adaptive Moving Average) indicator based on these MQL5 posts: Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) and Signals of the Indicator Adaptive Moving Average . Note : this tool is based on the code of AMA indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Features The signals are triggered at closing of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; Customizable
Signals and Alerts for Accelerator/Decelerator indicator based on these MQL5 posts: Accelerator Oscillator and Signals of the Indicator Accelerator Oscillator . Note : this tool is based on the code of Accelerator indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Features The signals are triggered at closing of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; Customizable arrows. By