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Multitimeframe navigation and research tool MT4 ( XY expert advisor) is a convenient tool that allows analyzing the trading instruments on different time frames and fast switching between them. Easy to use. It has no adjustable parameters. Charts with an XY Expert Advisor can be either the same symbol (instrument) or different (from version 2.0). When a symbol is changed on one of the charts with the XY expert advisor , cascade change of symbols occurs on other charts with the XY attached. The X
Multitimeframe navigation and research tool (XY expert advisor) is a convenient tool that allows analyzing the trading instruments on different time frames and fast switching between them. Easy to use. It has no adjustable parameters. Charts with an XY Expert Advisor can be either the same symbol (instrument) or different (from version 2.0). When a symbol is changed on one of the charts with the XY   expert advisor   , cascade change of symbols occurs on other charts with the XY attached. The X