abdulrahman shaban
abdulrahman shaban
abdulrahman shaban
abdulrahman shaban
Devices running Android and iOS have many features that we do not know about. One of these features is payment notifications that allow us to receive personal messages, regardless of phone number or mobile network operator. The MetaTrader terminal for mobile devices can actually receive such messages from your trading robot. You must know the MetaQuotes ID for your device only. I have already received more than 9,000,000 mobile stations.

The world around us is constantly changing. Few people remember deportation, although it was very common at the time. GSM phones gave us the ability to send SMS messages to any cellular user, and soon forgot to paging pages.

Can we crave for more? Yes we can! We can expand our chances further with payment notifications - the new service offered by modern smartphones.
abdulrahman shaban
abdulrahman shaban
This is a pivot and support resistor 1. When placed on the graph at times, it is not updated automatically, can you check if there is any error in the code? 2. Does not display the previous pivot line support and resistance. Can you add the Show Previous (Record) option to True or False, for example if the cursor is set to a monthly timeframe .
abdulrahman shaban
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