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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Better Volume Easy and visual way to check abnormal changes in Volume.
  • Stochastic Stochastic EA trades with two "Stochastic " indicators has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works with all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ .

I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • Price_Action Price_ActionEA trades with "PRICE ACTION" strategy has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works on all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.
  • KDJ Indicator KDJ Indicator Oscillator
  • Smart Tunel Trading The Smart tunnel is a smart robot for trading with an automatically drawn trend line to act with it and market movement. Enjoy :)

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  • TrendStrength EMA variation TrendStrength EMA variation
  • TrendStrength DSMA TrendStrength of deviation scaled MA
  • Demarker Martingale This Martingale EA trades with "Demarker" indicator, it is considered relatively safe because it takes a single trade at a time has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works on all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.

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  • 1 Minute Scalper 1 Minute Scalper EA with 13 moving Averages has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works best on 1 minute time frame major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.
  • Smart Tunel Trading The Smart tunnel is a smart robot for trading with an automatically drawn trend line to act with it and market movement. Enjoy :)
  • 15 Minute Scalper 15 Minute Scalper EA trades with Stochastic & Parabolic indicators has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit,works best on 15 minute time frame EUR/USD and stocks NASDAQ.
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I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • Price_Action Price_ActionEA trades with "PRICE ACTION" strategy has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works on all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.
  • 15 Minute Scalper 15 Minute Scalper EA trades with Stochastic & Parabolic indicators has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit,works best on 15 minute time frame EUR/USD and stocks NASDAQ.
  • 10Pips 10Pips EA uses two moving averages to find 10 pips,has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works best on 1 hour time frame major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • Smart Tunel Trading The Smart tunnel is a smart robot for trading with an automatically drawn trend line to act with it and market movement. Enjoy :)
  • Daily Pivot Points shifted for different day start time This indicator is another implementation of daily pivot points that allows the time for pivot point calculation to be advanced or delayed from the server time. It considers any Saturday trading to be Friday and any Sunday trading to be Monday.
  • Super Trend updated and simpler code This is just another version of the well known Super Trend indicator. The code is simplified but it has the same output on the chart screen.