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  • Bolinger Band Squeeze "Bolinger Band Squeeze" EA Trades when there is an expansion after contraction of bollinger bands has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works on all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.
  • Fibonacci "Fibonacci" EA Trades when there is a retracement from "FIBONACCI" levels has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works on all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.
  • Daily Pivot Points shifted for different day start time This indicator is another implementation of daily pivot points that allows the time for pivot point calculation to be advanced or delayed from the server time. It considers any Saturday trading to be Friday and any Sunday trading to be Monday.
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Più di 10 nuovi grafici pubblicati:

Chart EURUSD, D1, 2018.10.14 21:08 UTC, FXTM FT Global Ltd., MetaTrader 4, Demo
Chart, H1, 2018.09.22 02:12 UTC, AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Real, H1
Chart CADJPY_f, M5, 2018.09.18 11:44 UTC, Amega Ltd, MetaTrader 5, Demo

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Retirement account
238% 6981 scambi commerciali
Equity:30 706.98USD
Saldo:31 352.58USD

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  • Tap4Fibs Creates Fibonacci Retracement on the chart based on the ZigZag indicator. Tap the "X" or "Z" key to scroll through each swing in the ZigZag, to the right or to the left. For those who do not like clutter on their charts. The indicator can scroll to the right until it disappears from the chart, but it is still there. Scroll left to bring it back. This is one of the most useful tools in my trading toolbox!
  • Renko-Fractals-Grid This EA uses "Renko" box size on MetaTrader 4 chart. When the price reaches the level where there was a fractal, the EA enters a trade, has Trailing Stop Loss &Take Profit works on all time frames major forex pairs and stocks NASDAQ.
  • Daily Pivot Points shifted for different day start time This indicator is another implementation of daily pivot points that allows the time for pivot point calculation to be advanced or delayed from the server time. It considers any Saturday trading to be Friday and any Sunday trading to be Monday.
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