Productos publicados

Fibonacci Expansion and Retracement PRO Fibonacci retracing and extended line tools for the MT5 platform, ideal for traders who use the  Golden Section trading Demo: The main function: 1. You can draw multiple sets of Fibonacci retracements directly, and the relationship between important return points is clear at a glance. 2. Can draw Fibonacci extensions 3. The Fibonacci foldback and extension of the line can be moved left and right for eas
Retroceso de Fibonacci & Herramientas de Dibujo de Líneas Extendidas Retroceso de Fibonacci & Herramientas de Dibujo de Líneas Extendidas son aptos para la plataforma MT4 y para operadores que emplean el método de negociación de puntos y la negociación de sección áurea. Ventajas: Sin líneas excusadas ni las excesivamente largas, y es fácil de observar y descubrir oportunidades de negociación. Versión de prueba: Funciones principales: 1.
Macd's main chart indicator 1. You can determine the price at which the MACD will change from buy to sell, and vice versa. It is the cousin of the oscillator predictor. If you know a position at the time, then the exact price, current and next (future) columns will need to reach the MACD crossover. You can also see how far the market has to go before your current position is helped or blocked by the next MACD crossover force. You can do this in all time frames because the predictor is updated
Dinapoli Levels Expansion and Retracement Demo An auxiliary tool written specifically for the DiNapoli point trading method. This is a trial version and there are no restrictions on the XAUUSD H4. Official version The main function: 1. You can directly draw multiple sets of Fibonacci retracements, and the relationship between important return points is clear at a glance. 2. You can draw Fibonacci extensions, the ratio has three kinds of 0.618, 1
Macd Predictor   Macd's main chart indicator If you like this indicator , Dinapoli Levels Expansion and Retracement Demo is a helpful tool: 1. You can determine the price at which the MACD will change from buy to sell, and vice versa. It is the cousin of the oscillator predictor. If you know a position at the time, then the exact price, current and next (future) columns will need to reach the MACD crossover. You can also see how far the market has t
Fibonacci Expansion and Retracement Analysis Fibonacci retracing and extended line tools for the MT4 platform, ideal for traders who use the DiNapoli point trading method and the Golden Section trading The main function: 1. You can draw multiple sets of Fibonacci retracements directly, and the relationship between important return points is clear at a glance. 2. Can draw Fibonacci extensions 3. The Fibonacci foldback and extension of the line can be moved left and right for easy observ