Alex Go
Alex Go

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Alex Go
Alex Go
How To Remember Your Plan without Ginkgo Biloba?
Alex Go
Alex Go
So I have this idea that's been stuck in my head for some time now. Obviously, this idea is related to trading but more specifically to a Trading Strategy. I call it the ThreeAngulation strategy. It's logic is the following: ...
...1)assumption1: price moves Up or Down and then Consolidates
...2)assumption2: price Consolidates and then moves Up or Down again
...3)assumption3: Buy or Sell when price Consolidates and exit at a Loss or a Profit
The way I figured I'd tell when price is Consolidating is look for when it's closing between two moving averages, a medium-term one and a short-term one. I chose a twelve hour average and a one hour average for the medium and short -term. So, if on a M15 price closes between the MA(26) and MA(4) while MA(4) is below the MA(26) I take it as bearish consolidation...
Next, I make sure I check on a filter, which is longer-term, i.e. a weekly moving average, on a M5 that'd be 1440, and for the M15, divide by three...480, and I write a condition to check: "[...] if(Close[0]<MA480 && Close[0]MA4 && MA4<MA26)" and if its true I send a sell () and if the other directional conditions are met, i.e. price is above the weekly and 12hour, price is below the one hour and the one hour is above the twelve, then its a buy. (I'm attaching this expert which is really a modification of a bunch of other scripts and experts I looked at, still, it seems to work, but it is so slow)
If anybody wants to participate, it would be great. You're welcome.
ps. oh, I can't attach code here? right..probably because I should make a separate post for this