Vadym Zhukovskyi / Seller
Published products

ScalpAuT - a scalping timing bot Today we want to introduce the indispensable ScalpAuT assistant. This is an Expert Advisor that works on any financial pair according to the timings (time levels) of the VIST system. It took us a long time to decide whether to release an expert or not. Many people are looking for the Grail. They only dream of doing nothing, but earning millions of money. Dreaming is always good. But our advisor is definitely not for such people. Our Expert Advisor is designed for

What's new about iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator (Version 10)?
iVISTscalp5 is a unique nonlinear forecasting for a week ahead system for any financial instrument which executes fast scalping using time levels. iVISTscalp5 is a tool for easy study and understanding of financial market. 1) iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator has been completely rewritten into another programming language (C++), which has accelerated data loading and processing. As a result, a different graphical display of forecasts