
Error on EA after migrating

Hello, today when i made some changes in the setup of my EAs and migrated to VPS it stopped to works with the error 546, like image below: I already tried to change the configuration back and got same error. I tried to change server on VPS, but still no success. The EAs and VPS was running for more

Need to change my phone number but don't have access anymore to the old number

Hello there, I want to make a withdrawal but i need to confirm using my old phone, but the problem is that this phone that is registered in my account is no longer used by me because I was robbed 3 years ago and lost that number. Got to the phone company yesterday and they said that my number is

Wrong CalendarValueHistory data return

Hello there, i'm facing an issue when trying to use CalendarValueHistory to get Economic Calendar data. When i get the information inside my EA i got this: But pay attention to the right Economic Calendar Info right from : My timezone is +3