Added topic problem with mql4 indicator and with sendnotification
how come this indicator of mine has always sent me the notifications at the right time and now does not send a notification anymore? There is an error in the code or I have some blocking on the notifications according to you  #property
Added topic How do I get a single notification for this indicator? so he sends a notification every second. because?
#property copyright "Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link        "" #property version    "1.00" #property strict #property indicator_chart_window
Added topic indicator with notification
is it possible to make a single notification appear on my mql4 indicator set so that when you change an indicator, you only send me a note? the indicator I have programmed sends me a notification every second until the indicator changes. thank you so
Added topic experts mql4 indicator
is it possible to use a downloaded indicator when programming my experts
Added topic create a program mql4
I would like to create an indicator that sends me notifications when an indicator changes value, should I create an EA, script or indicator
Added topic how does this program ever come to market? what's wrong here?
extern double lots=0.1;  int ticket=0;  extern int stoploss=300;  extern int takeprofit=500; int aperto=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() {  double mc1 =
Added topic OrderClose error 4108 how can I do this to remove this error?......I'm a beginner
bool ris;  bool ris2;  if (OrderType()==OP_BUY &&mc1>mc2&&mc01<mc02 )  ris=OrderClose(ticket,lots,Bid,3,clrAqua);  if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && mc1<mc2 && mc01>mc02) 
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