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Angelito Cartagena Published MetaTrader 5 signal
Price: 35 USD, Growth: 5.08%
This signal may have a max of 2 trades at the same time, the trades are executed manually from early Asian to late London trading session. It is generally an intraday trading but may keep trades over night when needed. Be informed also that this signal may use martingale approach, for loses recovery purposes.  If you intend to copy this signal, I recommend having a balance of at least 2K or higher. Bear in mind that this is not a get rich quick strategy, it is more of building profits
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic One very important lesson I learned after years of trading!
Are you one of those traders that is trading for more than 5 years or more and yet you are still struggling to have the one good and solid strategy that provide you consistent profits? then you need to hear this. You test all available strategy you
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic Why signals dont bring profits consistently to traders for a long time?
For my years of stay in this forum and monitored every profitable signals that popped up I observed one common thing, that all signals are bound to fail in the long run, why? There are reasons about it, all signals is either using the following
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic What is the criterias of signal ranking?
I hope somebody can give clarification on the matter, I notice that when your signal acquire huge gains within a short of period of time they remove your signal ranking, why is this so when they already rank you before? just asking
Angelito Cartagena
Angelito Cartagena
If you want long and lasting success in trading find/develop a strategy behind a decent win loss ratio(at least 50:50) and a good risk reward ratio(recommended 1:2,1:3 or higher), sad to say majority of traders are developing/adapting systems that is doing the opposite, why? because traders are always looking for very high winning rate even if the risk reward ratio is at worst, the latest I see is the HAMSTER TURBO signal where it has 90% winning rate but the RR is very very bad, yet so many subscribers are attractive to it because of the high winning monthly results, yet traders ignore the fact that strategy such as these will not last for a year, its more on gambling than trading. Cut your loses small while letting your profits run is always the best policy in trading, good luck to us all!
Angelito Cartagena
Angelito Cartagena
Just an opinion!
Signals that uses bad risk reward ratio will not last long, you may make money for a couple of months then boom your capital is wiped out, but many subscribers in here still seems not to learn a lesson, they just ignore good practice in trading as long that they see that such signal provider is making big profits every month. But the truth is that nobody can beat the market, because it is random in nature, if you try to do some trick in your trading you will surely lose in the end. It is important that you follow proper ways in your trading such as good RR, risk management and the discipline to follow your trading plan all the time, then you will have better chance of success.
Angelito Cartagena

Creating the right mindset!

28 January 2019, 02:30
Everyone that comes to trading has one goal in their mind which is to become a successful and consistently profitable trader, but as we all know it is the opposite that happens because 80 to 90 percent of traders in this market fail miserably somewhere along the way...
Angelito Cartagena
Angelito Cartagena
2 Ways to profit in my signal even if the monthly statistic is not moving up!

First this signal shows that it is stable in as far as keeping the risk to the minimum for the last six months and holding its equity to a safe level.

As you can see the monthly statistic does not show consistent growth on a monthly basis, but it is a established statistical fact that for the last 6 months profit curve swings back and forth between -18% to as high as 34% 2 or 3 times a month or even more.

Here is the trick, every time your account is at a positive at any given moment withdraw the profits, then wait again for the account to be in profits then withdraw again, in short you have to take out your profits every time you acquire significant gain and just repeat the process over and over again. One example scenario, if you are able to take out profits 3 times within a specific month with an average of 5% per withdrawal then you gained 15% within that particular trading month.

Another way to add guaranteed profits is to use an account with rebates program(for details refer to the signal description), by doing this you will have an extra of 5% to 7%(approximate) to your monthly profits.

By doing this trick using my signal you are guaranteed of a stable profits month after month without risking your capital of getting wiped out.

Be a wise signal follower, do not get deceived by those huge profits and high winning rates signal, they will burned your account for sure somewhere along the way.

Trading is a business and not gambling!
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic Is it possible to copy more than 1 copy trade signal in one account?
Hi, I am just curious in regards to copying a signal, I have not read any article pertaining to how many possible signal that one trading account can copy? Thank you in advance
Angelito Cartagena
Trading is no ordinary profession that can be easily mastered, as it is showed statistically that only a few succeeds in this market. Today I would like to discuss the skills needed in order to have better chances of success in this very tough arena...
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic What are the differences between MT4 and MT5 platform, is their really a necessity to migrate?
Hi fellow forumer, I been in this business for quite a while and I have seen and heard about MT5 platform but I am still hesitant in using it, may I ask opinion from those traders that are already using MT5, what are the possible benefits that
Angelito Cartagena
In real life more is better, for example if a factory increase its work hours will probably also increase it output that can also translate to more profits, but in trading this is not likely the case because the more you trade in the market the more you are are exposed to risk, of course it can a...
Angelito Cartagena
Every trader is talking about what are the characteristic of a professional trader are and perhaps some of them vary from trader to trader, this is an important aspect that every trader should understand because this is the key to successful trading, this opinion can be in a general level...
Angelito Cartagena
Most traders are just too busy finding the right strategy, testing every indicators out there yet they still end up losing or getting their trading account wiped out, trading is a tough nut to crack and if we are not doing things in the right perspective we are destined to fail...
Angelito Cartagena
Angelito Cartagena
Signal that implement huge SL with small TP or no SL with small TP,martingale or grid strategies are very risky strategies to follow, it may only perform in the early going but drained our account in the long run, as a smart investor we must only follow signal that implement good RR and proper money management in such way our capital is safe in years to come
Angelito Cartagena

Path to successful trading

25 May 2017, 03:36
Becoming a successful trader is a tough task to achieve, some are trading for years yet they still struggle to make consistent money in trading, that is also the reason why copy trade program is becoming more popular nowadays, it is one of the fastest way to make money in this market without the...
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic Traders from the Philippines
Any traders from my country that is also using the services of MQL5, lets support each other in our quest of becoming profitable traders
Angelito Cartagena
Added topic Picking the right trading signal!
I am sorry to say this! majority if not all signal providers at MQL5 are using a strategy with a small TP,huge SL or no SL at all with combination of martingale, in the short term perspective equity curve to this kind of strategies may look very