Jacob Funk
Jacob Funk

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Jacob Funk
Added topic EURUSD since 1971?
Just wondering how and why our backtester inclues info on the euro dating back before the euro was created? I would like to know if it was done with the same basket of currencies valued against the USD, or if it's something else entirely
Jacob Funk
Added topic "tester agent got failed" since last night
Hey, anyone know if something is wrong? I've been getting the following every time I try to test an EA, since last night around 5 PM EST. agent process started connecting to tester agent got failed connect closed 
Jacob Funk
Added topic Need to write "Get periods between datetime1 and datetime 2"
Hi, I'm looking to write a function that returns the number of periods (in terms of the _Period) between two datetimes. Right now I can't figure out how to interpret the result of _Period or GetPeriod because I've only used it to pass in to other
Jacob Funk
Added topic Automate Testing on Multiple Years Separately
Hi, simple question, I'm wondering if its possible to have a test automatically reset the principle each year, or just to queue up multiple testing runs. I'm trying to do a take-one test set to finish optimizing a model without picking a 'lucky'
Jacob Funk
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