
Help Add Alert To This!!!!!!!

Hello all, I was hoping if someone could help me add an alert to this indicator. Every time the RSI touches the 70 or 30 level a alert sound would be great. thanks Peace

All Pivots help

Hello friends, I need help with the Allpivots_v1 indicator. What I want is an indicator the would label what line is what on the charts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Peace out

What is the difference between an mq4 ex4 file

Dear Senior Members and Programmers I wanted to know what is the difference between a .mq4 file and .ex4 file in MT4. What do they do differently? Any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks In Advance Peace Lover

To all members.

Dear Menbers, I have a question for all you guys that have been trading forex for a while, buy while I mean over a year. I am new at this so please bare with me. I would like to get reponses from you experienced trades. I recently got a mail from a friend to a website


Hi all, Is there a way to plot the Stochastic indicator on the Price graph? If so How is it done? Thanks in advance Peace

Divergence & Convergence

Hi all, I was wondering is there a indicator that would plot divergence & convergence in MT4. If so could one guide me to the right place. Thanks Peace

Indicators Help

Hello All, I am trying to get these lines drawen automatically each day. Any help would be great

Inside Bar

Hi All, I am trying to plot the Inside Bar in MT4. I am new to this system and cannot figure it out. Any help would be great. Here is the formula that I used in TC2005. (L1 = H) All I want to be able to plot a dot on the price chart. Thank you Peace out