
Saving results of optimization in CSV file is failing in some passes

Hi, I have an EA that performs trading tests. It is my desire to save customize results data into a CSV file. I found out the function that is called right after a test is double OnTester() , so I created the following code to write the results into a file: for ( int aaa = 0 ; aaa < 100 &&

WebTerminal giving wrong evolution value?

Hi, I'm not sure this is the place to post comments on the Web Terminal, but either way hopefully this is find the right people. I happend to open the BTCUSD full chart in MT5's web terminal and did some actions there when I noticed the "Ruler" tool that would allow to measure the development in the

Elegant way of finding if column exists in database table with MQL5's function

Hi, I need a function that will check if my tables have certain columns and, if not, add them. The second part is fine, but how can I do the check? The Database functions include one about the existence of a table, but not a column of it. I did some search on the internet and of all the possible

Mysterious random, general and persistent lag in real time account

Hi, I'm here asking for help in trying to understand what could possibly be the cause of a curious lag problem I'm experiencing in the last weeks. So some weeks ago, I opened my real time account of a certain Brazilian broker to trade in the futures market and noticed it was laggy: the chart wasn't

Possible bug in TimeTradeServer

Hi, I'm developing an alert/alarm system which is supposed to trigger when a certain datetime set by the user is reached. For debugging, I'm using my scenario here in Brazil where the stock exchange's and broker's timezone is GMT-3h, the live market opens at 10AM, the futures opens at 9AM and I'm

MT5 Tester producing false "incorrect input parameters" error

Hi, I have an EA that has a strategy which includes 2 integer input parameters I can change to do backtesting. So I did some tests varying between ranges I know are possible (one is a switch-case from 2 to 4, the other is a count of candle bars that have occurred since the start of the last

Expert froze when pending order was executed right after order to update stop loss was send

Hi! Today I experienced a freeze in my EA when updating a pending order's stop loss and I'd like to know what can I do to avoid this situation in the future. So, by what I noticed, when we send an order to update the stop loss of a pending order, the MT5-broker system sends 4 messages like this: DR

Terminal failing to completely reload unanchored charts' positions

Hi, I'm trying to create a "trading desktop" using 3 monitors/screens with lots of unanchored charts (I hope this is the name; I use MT5 in Portuguese). When configured, the positions are as follows: So the terminal with 2 anchored charts lies in the middle monitor/screen and the unanchored charts

Trouble finding viable remote desktop software that is fully compatible with MT5 Terminal

Hi, I usually manual trade using a notebook. Recently I noticed a need to have remote access to it for trading, something that would include the ability to press (hot) keys over a chart. Since my notebook has basic W11, thus no native Windows Remote Desktop, I'm need to use a third party system such

While in execution, is it useful for an EA to ask for current tick more than once?

Hi, I've a question which I guess I know the answer to it, but just in case... Suppose I have an EA with the OnTick function. When that function is called, it means a new tick was created with a certain price value. Then the code inside of the function starts to run. Now suppose it takes some time